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Reston Biogeochemical Processes in Groundwater Laboratory

The Reston Biogeochemical Processes in Groundwater Laboratory (RBPGL) research team conducts long-term investigations on the fate and geochemical effects of organic contaminants in surface and subsurface environments. Our approach combines field observations and laboratory experiments to determine how transformations of organic contaminants impact aquifer, soil, and surface-water chemistry, targeting transformations with potential ecological and health impacts.


GEMSC Scientist Receives Special IAGC Leadership Award

GEMSC Scientist Receives Special IAGC Leadership Award

Friday's Findings - July 29, 2022

Friday's Findings - July 29, 2022

Energy Integrated Science Team

Energy Integrated Science Team


Distribution of ancient carbon in groundwater and soil gas from degradation of petroleum near the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i

The groundwater below the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility (the facility) in Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, contains fuel compounds from past spills. This study used carbon-14 analyses to distinguish fuel-derived carbon from background carbon, along with other biodegradation indicators, to address two goals: (1) determine the extent and migration direction of groundwater affected by residual fuel below the fa

Jared J. Trost, Barbara A. Bekins, Jeanne B. Jaeschke, Geoffrey N. Delin, Daniel A Sinclair, James K Stack, Rylen K. Nakama, Uli'i M. Miyajima, Lhiberty D. Pagaduan, Isabelle M. Cozzarelli

Photochemical mobilization of dissolved hydrocarbon oxidation products from petroleum contaminated soil into a shallow aquifer activate human nuclear receptors

Elevated non-volatile dissolved organic carbon (NVDOC) concentrations in groundwater monitoring wells under oil-contaminated hydrophobic soils originating from a pipeline rupture at the National Crude Oil Spill & Natural Attenuation Research Site near Bemidji, MN are documented.. We hypothesized the elevated NVDOC is comprised of water-soluble photooxidation products transported from the surface t
Phoebe Zito, Barbara A. Bekins, Dalma Martinović-Weigelt, Maxwell L. Harsha, Katherine E. Humpal, Jared J. Trost, Isabelle M. Cozzarelli, Lynn R. Mazzoleni, Simeon K. Schum, David C. Podgorski

Attenuation of barium, strontium, cobalt, and nickel plumes formed during microbial iron-reduction in a crude-oil-contaminated aquifer

We assessed the spatial distribution of 35 elements in aquifer sediments and groundwater of a crude-oil-contaminated aquifer and show evidence of the dissolution of barium (Ba), strontium (Sr), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni) during hydrocarbon oxidation coupled to historic microbial Fe(III)-reduction near the oil. Trace element plumes occur in the crude-oil-contaminated aquifer, where 50% Co, 47% Ni
Katherine Jones, Brady Ziegler, Audrey Davis, Isabelle M. Cozzarelli


Organic Contaminants in Reuse Waters and Transport Following Land Application

Potential reuse waters contained unique mixtures of organic contaminants with the greatest number detected in treated municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent, followed by urban stormwater, and agricultural runoff . This study provided information for decisions on reuse strategies to support freshwater supplies.

Organic Contaminants in Reuse Waters and Transport Following Land Application

Potential reuse waters contained unique mixtures of organic contaminants with the greatest number detected in treated municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent, followed by urban stormwater, and agricultural runoff . This study provided information for decisions on reuse strategies to support freshwater supplies.
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Stormwater and Green Infrastructure

The Reston Biogeochemical Processes in Groundwater Laboratory (RBPGL) is conducting research aimed at understanding the complexity of chemical mixtures in urban stormwater.

Stormwater and Green Infrastructure

The Reston Biogeochemical Processes in Groundwater Laboratory (RBPGL) is conducting research aimed at understanding the complexity of chemical mixtures in urban stormwater.
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Wastewaters from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development

The Reston Biogeochemical Processes in Groundwater Laboratory (RBPGL) is assessing the potential risks to human and ecosystem health associated with Unconventional Oil and Gas (UOG) development.

Wastewaters from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development

The Reston Biogeochemical Processes in Groundwater Laboratory (RBPGL) is assessing the potential risks to human and ecosystem health associated with Unconventional Oil and Gas (UOG) development.
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