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Required Training by Topic

Required Training by Topic

Administrative   |   EEO   |   Ethics   |   Information Technology   |   New Employee/New Supervisor Training

Program/Project Management (FAC-P/PM)   |   Scientific Integrity   |   Safety Training   |   Supervisory   |   Teleworking

Transportation   |   Policy


All required training is regulated by Departmental Policy. To seek approval to make a course required complete this form and send it to OED Chief as indicated on the form.

New Employees, to get credit for previously completed courses click here, Training Reciprocity Request.



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  • No FEAR Act Training Information
    • All employees minus contractors, volunteers, emeritus, etc.
      • Required every 2 years

      • Initial Course hours = 1 Hour

      • DOI Talent Program will be automatically assigned, find in your Record of Learning

  • Prohibited Personnel Practices (PPP) and Whistleblower Projections

    • All managers and supervisors.

      • Every 3 years. Required within 6 months of becoming a Supervisor. Seasonal Supervisors and Managers must complete within 1 month of hire.

      • Initial Course hours =30 minutes

      • DOI Talent Certification will be automatically assigned within three (3) months of becoming supervisors.

  • USGS Anti-Harassment Policy and Implementing Procedures Refresher

    • All employees minus contractors, volunteers, emeritus, etc.

      • Annually (will count towards EEO/Diversity credit)

      • Initial Course hours = 1 Hour

      • DOI Talent Program will be automatically assigned, find in your Record of Learning

  • Responding to Discrimination and Harassing Conduct
    • All employees minus contractors, volunteers, emeritus, etc.
      • Required one time (will count towards EEO/Diversity credit)
      • Course hours = 1 Hour
      • DOI Talent Program will be automatically assigned, find in your Record of Learning
  • EEO/Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Programs

    • All employees minus contractors, volunteers, emeritus, etc.

      • All Supervisors are required to complete a minimum of 8 hours of EEO-related training including diversity and anti-harassment on an annual basis (fiscal year).

      • All Employees are required to complete a minimum of 4 hours of EEO-related training including diversity and anti-harassment on an annual basis (fiscal year).

      • DOI Talent Program will be automatically assigned, find in your Record of Learning

    • All learners can find all qualified courses in the USGS DEIA Training Library

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  • Annual Ethics Training

    • All Employees

      • Annually by calendar year

      • Initial Course hours = 1 Hour

      • All USGS employees must receive annual ethics training from an ethics counselor or by completing the DEO 20xx Annual Ethics Training (AET) Program in DOI Talent. Course content will vary somewhat from one calendar year to another, so credit will not be given for completing a prior year's course. Ethics training provided by the Departmental Ethics Office or other DOI bureaus, while informative, does not meet this USGS training requirement.

      • DOI Talent Program will be automatically assigned, find in your Record of Learning

  • New Employee Initial Ethics Orientation Training

    • All New Employees

      • Within 3 months of appointment as a Federal employee

      • Initial Course hours = 1 Hour

      • New Employees must receive New Employee Initial Ethics Orientation Training from an ethics counselor or by completing the current year's DEO 20xx Initial Ethics Training (IET) Program in DOI Talent. This requirement is in addition to the requirement that Human Resources provide new employees with a copy of (or a link to) the Ethics Guide for DOI Employees. New employees are entitled to 1 hour of duty time to review the Ethics Guide for DOI Employees.

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New Employee/New Supervisor Training

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Information Technology

  • Information Management and Technology (IMT) Awareness
    • Required for anyone who uses government computers.
      • Annually

      • Initial Course hours = 30 minutes

      • DOI Talent Certification will be automatically assigned, find in your Record of Learning

  • Role Based Security Training (RBST)

    • IT Employees who are considered to have IT Security Responsibilities. 

      • Annually

      • Initial Course hours = 1 Hour

      • DOI Talent Certification will be automatically assigned, find in your Record of Learning

  • Role Based Privacy Training (RBPT)

    • DOI personnel with significant privacy responsibilities.

      • Annually

      • Initial Course hours = 1 Hour

      • DOI Talent Certification will be automatically assigned, find in your Record of Learning

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Program/Project Management (FAC-P/PM)

  • Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM)

    • Employees responsible for managing major capital investment projects

      • Position Specific

      • Initial Course hours = 112 minimum Hours

      • Continuous Learning Requirement of 80 CLPs must be earned every two (2) years

      • Acquisition (including COTR training) 24 hrs, Project Management 24 hrs, Interpersonal/Leadership Skills 16 hrs, Government-Specific Skills 24 hrs, Earned Value Management System (EVMS) and Cost Estimating 24 hrs. to maintain the FAC-P/PM Certification.

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Required Safety Training

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Scientific Integrity

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  • Transit Benefit Integrity Awareness Training

    • Any employee who wishes to use the benefit and qualifies per the policy must complete this course

  • Defensive Driving

    • Any employee, volunteer, emeritus, and contractor including externals operating Govt-owned GSA vehicles or privately owned vehicles regularly as a primary duty on an on-going daily basis, e.g., shuttle bus, field vehicle, or personally owned sedan/truck for field activities, initial and refresher training applies.

      • Every 3 years based on your last completion date

      • Initial Course hours = 4 Hours

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