Landsat Global Archive Consolidation WRS 1 Scenes
Detailed Description
The Landsat Global Archive Consolidation WRS-1 Scenes heatmap displays Landsat scenes by WRS-1 path/row that were contributed to the USGS Landsat Archive by Landsat International Cooperator Ground Stations. In 2010, the Landsat Global Archive Consolidation (LGAC) effort began, with a goal to consolidate the Landsat data archives of all international ground stations, make the data more accessible to the global Landsat community, and significantly increase the frequency of observations over a given area of interest to improve scientific uses such as change detection and analysis.
As of 31 December 2023, Landsat International Cooperators have contributed over 401,031 Landsat 1-3 scenes to the USGS Landsat Archive.
- Breakdown of number of scenes contributed by spacecraft:
- Landsat 1
- MSS: 64,207
- Landsat 2
- MSS: 250,129
- Landsat 3:
- MSS: 86,695
- Landsat 1
Visit the Landsat Global Archive Consolidation webpage for more details.
Public Domain.