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Field Data Collected 2018 to Document Human-induced Gorge Incision at The Kink (Fortymile River, Alaska)

October 7, 2021

This dataset comprises four tables containing channel survey cross section data, field observations including channel width and bank material, measured surface water velocity, and alluvial grain size data collected along the North Fork Fortymile River near a man-made meander cutoff called The Kink. The data release also contains eight field photos used to obtain grain size distribution; four photos annotated with measured grains linked to the grain size data table by the fields 'meas' and 'img.'

Publication Year 2021
Title Field Data Collected 2018 to Document Human-induced Gorge Incision at The Kink (Fortymile River, Alaska)
DOI 10.5066/P94TE5C8
Authors Adrian M Bender
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Alaska Science Center