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2022 AASG/USGS Data Preservation Workshop

(Association of American State Geologists/U.S. Geological Survey)

August 30 – September 1, 2022
Hosted by Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology in Butte, Montana


The National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) in collaboration with the Association of American State Geologists, conducted a data management workshop to share information and exhibit successful efforts rescuing, preserving, and disseminating information about geoscientific data and artifacts to further earth science investigations. The workshop also shared database systems and web applications increasing discoverability and access to these preserved assets. A unifying focus of the workshop was on improving environmental equity and diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA). The ~65 workshop attendees and virtual presenters represented state geological surveys, universities, institutes, department of natural resources and the USGS.


Session 1: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG) Highlights and Activities

Session Recording

Session Transcript

  • Jesse Mosolf: Rock Specimen Inventory and Organization
  • Connie Thomson: New Sample Login, Storage, and Tracking
  • Tony Roth: The Butte Stope Books
  • Chelsea Pincock: Collections Builder Software for Online Presentation
  • Denise Herman: The Anaconda Research Collection Specimen Inventory
  • Kaleb Scarberry: Earth MRI Database, Compilation Applications to Current Research
  • Rebecka Lester: Natural Resources Archive Data System, Design in Progress
  • John Metesh: Success Stories, Future Plans

Session 2: Database, Data Delivery, and Applications, Part 1

Session Recording

Session Transcript

  • Deanna Terry, USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC), Integrated Hydrology and Data Science (IHDS) branch (remote)
    • Title: Featured Work and Future of Data Science Applications (an Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center DevOps shop
  • Dan Arthur, USGS NGGDPP; Ted Habermann, Metadata Game Changers; Mikki Johnson, USGS NGGDPP
    • Title: ReSciColl Documentation Ecosystem
  • Mikki Johnson, USGS NGGDPP and Deanna Terry, USGS OTWSC (remote)
    • Title: National Index of Borehole Information (NIBI): Time to populate!
  • Fran Lightsom, USGS  Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (remote)
    • Title: Making our Data More Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable
    • Authors: Lightsom, F. and Hutchison, V.
  • Chris Ramey, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
    • Title: Adventures in Digital Inventory Management: The Alaska Geologic Materials Center

Session 3: FY 2023 Program Announcement and Q&A

Session Recording

Session Transcript

  • Lindsay Powers and Mikki Johnson, USGS NGGDPP

Session 4: Innovative Repository Design and Practices

Session Recording 4a

Session Recording 4b

Session Recording 4c

Session Recording 4d


Session Transcript

  • Amy Atwater, USGS
    • Title: My Future is so Braitschite, I Need Shades! How to Assess Legacy Collections
  • Elizabeth (Liz) Adams, Kentucky Geological Survey
    • Title: Increase Your Samples’ Value Through Attribution and Enhanced Discoverability
  • Carsyn Ames and Brad Gottschalk, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
    • Title: Out with the Old, In with the New: WGNHS’s 2021 NGGDPP Project Recap
    • Authors: Gottschalk, B. and Ames, C.
  • Heather Arends, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources – Division of Lands and Minerals
    • Title: Methods, Results, and Lessons Learned while Inventorying the Hibbing Drill Core Library
    • Authors: Arends, H., Carter, M., Saari, S., Fierst, J., and Olson, J.
  •  Corey Lawrence, USGS (remote)
    • Title: Preserving the Legacy of USGS Soil Science: Long-term Archiving of Soil Samples and Data
    • Authors: Lawrence, C. R., Creamer, C., White, E., and Dellana, N.
  • Victoria Crystal, USGS
    • Title: A USGS Legacy Collection: The Carlsbad Cores

Session 5: Data Preservation for Environmental Equity

Session Recording

Session Transcript

Arika Virapongse, Middle Path EcoSolutions and The Ronin Institute (remote)

    • Title: Bringing Community into Data Preservation and Environmental Equity
  • Carsyn Ames, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
    • Title: How WGNHS Staff Formed a DEI Committee and What they Accomplished in Year 1
    • Authors: Ames, C., and Gottschalk, B.
  • Kathy Chase, USGS
    •  Title: Circle Round the River: A Summit for Collaborative Sharing of Flood Knowledge with Tribal Colleges
    • Authors: Marti, M., Chase, K. J., and Ryberg, K. R.

Session 6: Digital Capture of Physical Samples

Session Recording

Session Transcript

  • Jen Athey, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Title: Sample Digitization at Alaska’s Geologic Materials Center: Acquiring a Hyperspectral Scanner
    • Title: Sample Digitization at Alaska’s Geologic Materials Center: Acquiring a Hyperspectral Scanner
    • Authors: Johnson, K. J., and Athey, J. E.
  • Madison Langseth, USGS (remote)
    • Title: Identify This! USGS Asset Identifier Service and IGSNs for Physical Samples
  • Jim Mosley, USGS
    • Title: Mineral Resources Program (MRP) U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) Geologic Maps and Publications Digitization Preservation Project
    • Authors: Mosley, J., and Frank, D.
  • Chrissi Wood-Smith, Virginia Division of Geology
    • Title: Paleontological Collection: Curation, Photography and Outreach

Session 7: Database, Data Delivery, and Applications part 2

Session Recording

Session Transcript

  • Dave Soller, USGS NGMDB (remote)
    • Title: Preparing and Submitting GeMS-Compliant Files
    • Authors: Soller, D., Wardwell, R., Thom, E., and Haugerud, R.
  • Christopher Tate, Idaho Geological Survey
    • Title: Providing Future Access to Historical Data: Development of Idaho Geological Survey's Mines Database and Web Application
    • Authors: Tate, C., and Starnes, J.
  • Cheryl Seeger, Missouri Geological Survey
    • Title: MGS and Data Preservation: Improving Geoscience Data Accessibility
  • Megan James, Tanner Arrington, and Joe Gellici, South Carolina Geological Survey (remote)
    • Title: Hydrogeologic Framework of the South Carolina Coastal Plain

Session 8: Recommended Practices for Document Preservation

Session Recording

Session Transcript

  • Steve Bowman, Utah Geological Survey
    • Title: Utah Geological Survey Data Preservation Activities
  • Kelly Haberstroh, USGS Library (remote)
    • Title: Digitization at the USGS Library
  • Amy Tuzzolino, California Geological Survey (remote)
    • Title: Recent Data Preservation Activities by the California Geological Survey
    • Authors: Tuzzolino, A., and Parrish, B.
  • Andrew Wunderlich and Peter Leminski, Tennessee Geological Survey
    • Title: Restoring Lost Institutional Knowledge: TGS Collections are Resuscitated, Repackaged, and Ready for the Future

Session 9: Building Capacity and Collaborations

Session Recording

Session Transcript

  • Jenna Shelton, USGS
    • Title: The Preservation and Accessibility of Data Generated under the U.S. GeoFramework Initiative and STATEMAP
  • Carma San Juan and Karen Lund, USGS (remote)
    • Title: From Drillholes and Field Notebooks to Archival Preservation: Forging Collaborations with the USGS Core Research Center, National Archives, National Association of Geoscience Teachers, and University of Tennessee
    • Authors: Lund, K., San Juan, C., Hauke, M., and Lanctot, C.
  • Patty Loferski, USGS (remote)
    • Title: Earth MRI Updates and Interface with NGGDPP
    • Authors: Loferski, P.J., Day, W.C., and McPhee, D.K.
  • Laura Strickland, USGS (remote)
    • Title: Digital Archiving of the R.S. Thompson Packrat Midden Collection
    • Authors: Strickland, L.E, Pinkham, L.A., and Thompson, R.S.

This web page summarizes discussions at the 2019 AASG/USGS Data Preservation Workshop. This event was hosted by the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology.  Comments made by speakers not affiliated with the USGS do not represent the views or position of the USGS.

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