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The Community for Data Integration has announced twelve proposals to be supported in FY2023. This year’s request for proposals focused on the themes of increasing connection, readiness, and equity of climate-related data and models.

Increasing data accessibility by adding existing datasets and capabilities to a cutting-edge visualization app to enable cross-community use

Aneece, Itiya - Western Geographic Science Center

Evaluation and recommendation of practices for publication of reproducible data and software releases in the USGS

Blodgett, David - Integrated Modeling and Prediction Division, Water Mission Area

A tool for rapid-repeat high-resolution coastal vegetation maps to improve forecasting of hurricane impacts and coastal resilience

Byrd, Kristin - Western Geographic Science Center

ZenRiver game concept: accelerating creation of machine learning imagery training datasets using citizen science

Engel, Frank - Observing Systems Division, Water Mission Area

Availability, documentation, & community support for an open-source machine learning tool

Gabriel, Travis - Astrogeology Science Center

Linking orphaned oil & gas wells with groundwater quality

Gianoutsos, Nick - Central Energy Resources Science Center

Extracting data from maps: applying lessons learned from the AI for Critical Mineral Assessment Competition

Goldman, Maggie - Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center

Integrating stream gage records, water presence observations, and models to improve hydrologic prediction in stream networks

Hafen, Konrad - Idaho Water Science Center

Connecting with our stakeholders - developing a better understanding of use and usability for science products

Kotowicz, Dawn - St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center

Informing the use of native plant materials in restoration and rehabilitation with the Native Plant Seed Mapping Toolkit

Massatti, Rob - Southwest Biological Science Center

Automated accuracy and quality assessment tools (AQAT = “a cat”) for generalized geospatial data

Stanislawski, Lawrence - Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science

Communicating stream fish vulnerability to climate change

Woods, Taylor - Eastern Ecological Science Center

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