USGS divers in the Elwha River
WFRC zebrafish laboratory
Processing a Lost River sucker
Below is a list of available WFRC peer reviewed and published science.
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Using environmental DNA to assess the response of steelhead/Rainbow Trout and Coastrange Sculpin populations to postfire debris flows in coastal streams of Big Sur, California
ObjectiveDebris flows are among the most extreme disturbances to streams and are predicted to become more frequent under climate change. We assessed the response of steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss (anadromous Rainbow Trout)/Rainbow Trout (hereafter, collectively referred to as O. mykiss) and Coastrange Sculpin Cottus aleuticus populations to major postfire debris flows in two small coastal basins of
David E. Rundio, Brian C. Spence, Dorothy M. Chase, Carl Ostberg
Using parentage-based tagging to estimate survival of Chinook salmon fry in a large storage reservoir
Research efforts focusing on salmonid populations have highlighted the need to better understand demographic parameters for the fry and parr life stages. Monitoring these small fish presents a challenge because negative effects from handling and tagging can bias subsequent parameter estimates. Removal models and associated sampling designs represent one class of mark-recapture models with potentia
Adam Pope, Tobias Kock, Russell Perry, Karen M. Cogliati, Kathleen G. O'Malley, Christina Amy Murphy, Dalton Hance, Scott D. Fielding
Spatial and temporal surveys of salmon environmental DNA (eDNA) in a Seattle urban creek
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) has a history of conducting traditional fish surveys in urban streams of Seattle, Washington. Limited staff resources have reduced SPU's capacity to monitor fish, and environmental DNA (eDNA) was recognized as an alternative survey method that could potentially improve the efficiency and capacity of SPU-sponsored fish surveys. We performed spatiotemporal surveys of e
Carl Ostberg, Chapin Pier, Dorothy M. Chase, Russell Perry
Host jump of an exotic fish rhabdovirus into a new class of animals poses a disease threat to amphibians
Spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV) is a rhabdovirus that primarily infects cyprinid finfishes and causes a disease notifiable to the World Organization for Animal Health. Amphibians, which are sympatric with cyprinids in freshwater ecosystems, are considered non-permissive hosts of rhabdoviruses. The potential host range expansion of SVCV in an atypical host species was evaluated by testing the s
Eveline J. Emmenegger, Emma K. Bueren, Carla M. Conway, George E. Sanders, A. Noble Hendrix, Tamara Schroeder, Emiliano Di Cicco, Phuc H. Pham, Lumsden John S., Sharon C. Clouthier
Tire-derived contaminants 6PPD and 6PPD-Q: Analysis, sample handling, and reconnaissance of United States stream exposures
The environmental ubiquity of tire and road wear particles (TRWP) underscores the need to understand the occurrence, persistence, and environmental effects of tire-related chemicals in aquatic ecosystems. One such chemical is 6PPD-quinone (6PPD-Q), a transformation product of the tire antioxidant 6PPD. In urban stormwater runoff 6PPD-Q can exceed acute toxicity thresholds for several salmonid spec
Rachael F. Lane, Kelly Smalling, Paul M. Bradley, Justin Blaine Greer, Stephanie Gordon, John Hansen, Dana W. Kolpin, Andrew R. Spanjer, Jason R. Masoner
Water Resources Mission Area, Ecosystems Mission Area, Central Midwest Water Science Center, Kansas Water Science Center, New Jersey Water Science Center, Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center, Washington Water Science Center, Western Fisheries Research Center, South Atlantic Water Science Center (SAWSC)
Challenges of implementing a multi-agency monitoring and adaptive management strategy for federally threatened Chinook salmon and steelhead trout during and after dam removal in the Elwha River
Adaptive management, a process of planning, implementing, and evaluating management strategies, is often recommended for monitoring ecological systems. However, few examples of successful implementation and retrospective case studies exist. We provide a case study of adaptively managing hatchery-assisted protection and recovery for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and winter steelhead tro
Roger J. Peters, Joseph H. Anderson, Jeffrey J. Duda, Michael L. McHenry, George Pess, Samuel J. Brenkman, Jeffery R. Johnson, Martin C. Liermann, Keith Denton, Matthew M. Beirne, Patrick Crain, Heidi A. Connor
Pacific Lamprey responses to stressors: Dewatering and electrofishing
The Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative (PLCI) is a collaboration of Tribes, Federal, and State agencies working together to protect and restore Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) and other native lampreys (i.e., Lampetra spp.) in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hosts and facilitates the PLCI, and the Columbia River Tribes play a lar
Theresa L. Liedtke, Lisa K. Weiland, Joe Skalicky, Julie Harris, Monica R. Blanchard, Ann B. Grote, Ann E. Gray, Brian K. Ekstrom
Back from the brink: Estimating daily and annual abundance of natural-origin salmon smolts from 30-years of mixed-origin capture-recapture data
Evaluating the status and trends of natural-origin anadromous fish populations over time requires robust estimates of out-migrating juvenile abundance. Information on abundance is typically acquired by capturing actively migrating fish as they pass stationary monitoring platforms. Challenges to estimation include protracted migration timing, temporally varying capture probabilities and the contemp
Dalton Hance, John Plumb, Russell Perry, Kenneth Tiffan
Effects of elevated pCO2 on bioenergetics and disease susceptibility in Pacific herring Clupea pallasii
Ocean acidification can affect the immune responses of fish, but effects on pathogen susceptibility remain uncertain. Pacific herring Clupea pallasii were reared from hatch under 3 CO2 partial pressure ( pCO2) treatments (ambient, ∼650 µatm; intermediate, ∼1500 µatm; high, ∼3000 µatm) through metamorphosis (98 d) to evaluate the effects of ocean acidification on bioenergetics and susceptibility to
Christopher Murray, Jacob L. Gregg, Ashley MacKenzie, Hiruni Jayasekara, Sophie Hall, Terrie Klinger, Paul Hershberger
Change in growth and prey utilization for a native salmonid following invasion by an omnivorous minnow in an oligotrophic reservoir
Aquatic invasive species can affect food web structure, native fish growth, and production, depending on the traits of the invasive species and the pre-invasion conditions of the ecosystem. Thermal tolerances and behavioral traits can further influence differential exploitation of resources shared between native and invasive species. An unauthorized introduction of redside shiner (Richardsonius ba
Rachelle Carina Johnson, Tessa Julianne Code, Karl D. Stenberg, Jonathan H Mclean, Benjamin Lorenz Jensen, Marshal Hoy, David Beauchamp
How much trapping effort is needed for early detection of European green crab?
We present a case study using trapping data and species accumulation theory to assess the sampling effort needed to detect species that are rare in habitats sampled as part of the management of invasive European green crab Carcinus maenas on the coast of Washington State and Salish Sea shorelines, such as is desired for early detection of invasive species. In response to detections of green crab o
Timothy D. Counihan, Theresa Thom
Genome-wide association analysis of the resistance to infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in two rainbow trout aquaculture lines confirms oligogenic architecture with several moderate effect quantitative trait loci
Infectious hematopoietic necrosis (IHN) is a disease of salmonid fish that is caused by the IHN virus (IHNV), which can cause substantial mortality and economic losses in rainbow trout aquaculture and fisheries enhancement hatchery programs. In a previous study on a commercial rainbow trout breeding line that has undergone selection, we found that genetic resistance to IHNV is controlled by the ol
Yniv Palti, Roger L. Vallejo, Maureen K. Purcell, Guangtu Gao, Kristy L. Shewbridge, Roseanna L. Long, Christopher Setzke, Breno O. Fragomeni, Hao Cheng, Kyle E. Martin, Kerrry A. Naish