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Copyright Permission Agreement for Social Media Submissions

By submitting to the U.S. Geological Survey, the text, image(s), audios, videos or audio-videos (the Work), tagging its accounts, and using the specified hashtag, the Submitter avers that the work is either in the public domain as a work created by a Federal Government employee in their official capacity or that the Submitter is the sole or joint Copyright holder with authority to grant its use.

For Copyrighted work, the Submitter grants to the USGS non-exclusive, fully paid, and royalty-free, worldwide rights to publish, reproduce, make derivatives of, use, and distribute the Work in any media for the duration of the Copyright. If the USGS uses any of the Work in its products or services it agrees to provide obtain permission, unless the Work is dedicated to the public, and provide attribution to the copyright holder.

Submitter hereby warrants and represents that he or she has the full right, power, and authority to grant the permission requested herein and that use of the work will not violate any rights of any third party. Submitter further agrees that if the above representations concerning copyright ownership are determined to be incorrect or false, resulting in the USGS or the U.S. Government being sued for copyright infringement, the Submitter shall indemnify the USGS and/or the U.S. Government for any resulting out-of-pocket expenses arising from defending and/or settling such litigation.

Updated: 8/16/2023

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