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Data for analysis of open removal models with temporary emigration and population dynamics to inform invasive animal management

September 16, 2022

This data release includes the data and computer code that we produced to fit two open-robust design removal models developed to simultaneously model population dynamics, temporary emigration, and imperfect detection: a random walk linear trend model (estimable without ancillary information), and a 2-age class integrated population model (IPM) that used prior information for age-structured vital rates and relative juvenile availability. To evaluate the effectiveness of management programs, we applied both models to a multi-year, removal trapping time-series data set of a large invasive lizard (Argentine black and white tegu, Salvator merianae) in three management areas of South Florida collected from 2016-1018. The data from these [...]

Publication Year 2022
Title Data for analysis of open removal models with temporary emigration and population dynamics to inform invasive animal management
DOI 10.5066/P9NXHC0V
Authors Hardin Waddle, Bradley J Udell, Julien Martin, Christina M Romagosa, Fred A. Johnson, Bryan G Falk, Amy A Yackel, Sarah Funck, Jennifer Ketterlin, Eric Suarez, Frank Mazzotti
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Wetland and Aquatic Research Center - Gainesville, FL