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Image of the Week - Hurricane Michael

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Hurricane Michael made landfall in the Florida Panhandle on October 10, 2018.

Landsat 7 images captured before and after highlight the destructive path of the Category 4 storm.

Mexico Beach was all but demolished, with homes left in heaps by wind and storm surge. The green leaves that pop in the September image are stripped from trees by October, and the dull brown of debris remains.

Panama City and the surrounding areas also lost color after the storm. Aerial imagery from Civil Air Patrol shows the flattened trees responsible for the change.

The coast saw serious impacts. A strip of Crooked Island disappears beneath the water in the October image, and bright aqua streaks thread through the sand south of Tyndall Air Force Base.

Each week, the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center highlights a new satellite image(s) featuring striking changes to the Earth's surface. Our images come from locations around the world.




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