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North Central CASC-supported researchers created a storymap to serve as a living resource for scientists and managers partnering with Tribes and communities.

The North Central CASC published a storymap containing guidance on braiding Western science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) to address the impacts of climate change. The resource is designed to provide information, insights, and best practices for fostering equitable engagement in the collection, exchange, and communication of knowledge, while supporting specific Tribal climate adaptation needs.  

At its core, the storymap provides a foundational understanding of TEK and addresses key issues related to power dynamics, ethics, and equity. Guiding principles such as the “FAIR” (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and “CARE” (Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, Ethics) are described to ensure equitable data governance, and many other useful resources are provided such as the “Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu.”  The storymap also emphasizes respecting governance and supporting Tribal-led authorship within collaborative efforts. For example, the Tribal Engagement Specialist for the NC CASC, James Rattling Leaf, Sr., served as review editor for the Fifth National Climate Assessment chapter on Indigenous Peoples.  

The storymap will serve as a “living” resource, slated for regular updates as the NC CASC continues to gain knowledge, support, and experience cultivating equitable and respectful collaborations with Tribal Nations. 

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