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The Midwest CASC hosted a two-day workshop addressing the adaptation of inland fishes to climate change, featuring a “pitch session” that explored new ideas for adaptive capacity applications.

The Midwest CASC organized a workshop to discuss research gaps and stewardship challenges related to the adaptive capacity of inland fishes – or the ability of inland fishes to deal with the impacts of climate change. 

For two days, workshop participants explored adaptive capacity science, the vulnerability of various species to climate change, and different management frameworks. They also brainstormed ideas in a “pitch session” about how to apply collaborative adaptive capacity research to the Great Lakes region, and rivers and inland lake fisheries of the midwestern United States. Speakers from the Midwest CASC included Holly Embke and Olivia LeDee, while Abigail Lynch from the National CASC and Lindsey Thurman from the Northwest CASC also spoke.  

The workshop produced a concise document outlining the applications of adaptive capacity research, featuring case studies and emerging fisheries research while also identifying important information gaps. 

This workshop was supported by the Midwest CASC Project, “Climate Adaptation for Data-Limited Inland Fisheries.” 

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