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John C. Hammond, PhD

John Hammond works as a Research Hydrologist for the USGS MD-DE-DC Water Science Center.

John studies hydroclimatic variability and trends, seasonal snow dynamics, empirical streamflow relationships across scales, and incorporates satellite data into hydrologic models. Current projects include improving snow process representation in hydrologic models, characterizing hydrologic drought, developing drought early warning systems, and drivers of non-perennial flow, and DC StreamStats.

I obtained my PhD in Watershed Science at Colorado State University in 2018 where I studied hydrologic change across the intermittent-persistent snow transition of the western U.S. is response to snow loss. This work assessed the effects of snow persistence on streamflow generation and soil moisture through a combination of remote sensing, surface station data analysis, hydrologic modeling, and geospatial statistics.

Research interests include:

  • Runoff forecasting in snow-dominated watersheds
  • Input partitioning through the critical zone
  • Hydroclimatic and cryospheric trend detection
  • Low-cost sensors for snow and streamflow monitoring
  • Intermittent snow and streamflow occurrence and prediction

Consulting experience:

  • Remote sensing of snow occurrence timing and distribution
  • Flood innundation mapping
  • Hydrologic and meteorologic equipment installation and maintenance


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