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Trent Hare

Trent Hare is a Cartographer at Astrogeology Science Center.

Research Interests

  • 2005 to present. Lead for project development and management of cartographic and science research tasks for NASA science and exploration programs (e.g., Planetary Geology & Geophysics, Lunar Mapping & Modeling Project, Applied Information Systems Research, Mars Data Analysis).  Includes scientific and cartographic problem definition and analysis, and development of efficient and effective Geographic Information System (GIS) projects for research and analysis of problems in planetary science.  Develop and defend reimbursable project budgets to NASA annually and manage personnel to ensure project completion on time and within budget.  Develop GIS on-line mapping web sites, tools, and tutorials to facilitate and enable planetary science research and mission support. Compile planetary datasets and publish with ArcMap Server and Open-Geospatial Consortium (OGC) interfaces. Lead technical support for Astrogeology’s Planetary Geologic Mapping coordination program for NASA.
  • 2008 to present.  Lead and Expert Consultant for development and implementation of a data visualization and analysis tool for space mission operations and scientific research.  Created Mars Exploration Rover and Mars Science Laboratory GIS packages which allowed for landing-site analysis and selection. Created the Titan on-line map viewer and Titan Swath Viewer (TSV) in ArcView for the NASA Cassini mission to Saturn. Required research on mission science objectives and redesign of the ArcView user interface to allow a novice GIS user (Cassini science team members) to test different satellite targeting scenarios for mission operations.
  • 1994 to present.  Developer of analytical software for science and cartographic research.  Routinely design and write software in C++, PERL, and Python for photogrammetric and remote sensing software (ISIS) and scientific research using a wide variety of space mission remote-sensing datasets. Frequently serve as expert consultant to research scientists and technical developers on technical research such as design and creation of 3 dimensional image display and analysis and topographic model importers a


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