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Landsat-4/5 Band 6 relative radiometry

Relative radiometric responses for the thematic mapper (TM) band 6 data from Landsat-4 and Landsat-5 were analyzed, and an algorithm has been developed that significantly reduces the striping in Band 6 images due to detector mismatch. The TM internal calibration system as originally designed includes a DC restore circuit, which acts as a feedback system designed to keep detector bias at a constant
Gyanesh Chander, D. L. Helder, Wayne C. Boncyk

Achieving sub-pixel geolocation accuracy in support of MODIS land science

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) was launched in December 1999 on the polar orbiting Terra spacecraft and since February 2000 has been acquiring daily global data in 36 spectral bands—29 with 1 km, five with 500 m, and two with 250 m nadir pixel dimensions. The Terra satellite has on-board exterior orientation (position and attitude) measurement systems designed to enable
R.E. Wolfe, M. Nishihama, A.J. Fleig, J.A. Kuyper, David P. Roy, James C. Storey, F.S. Patt

Effects of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus radiometric and geometric calibrations and corrections on landscape characterization

The Thematic Mapper (TM) instruments onboard Landsats 4 and 5 provide high-quality imagery appropriate for many different applications, including land cover mapping, landscape ecology, and change detection. Precise calibration was considered to be critical to the success of the Landsat 7 mission and, thus, issues of calibration were given high priority during the development of the Enhanced Themat
James E. Vogelmann, Dennis Helder, Ron Morfitt, Michael J. Choate, James W. Merchant, Henry Bulley

The EOS land validation core sites: background information and current status

The EOS Land Validation Core Sites1 will provide the user community with timely ground, aircraft, and satellite data for EOS science and validation investigations. The sites, currently 24 distributed worldwide, represent a consensus among the instrument teams and validation investigators and represent a range of global biome types (see Figure 1 and Table 1; Privette et al., 1999; Justice et al., 1
J. Morisette, J.L. Privette, C. Justice, D. Olson, John L. Dwyer, P. Davis, D. Starr, D. Wickland

Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus radiometric calibration

Landsat-7 is currently being built and tested for launch in 1998. The Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor for Landsat-7, a derivative of the highly successful Thematic Mapper (TM) sensors on Landsats 4 and 5, and the Landsat-7 ground system are being built to provide enhanced radiometric calibration performance. In addition, regular vicarious calibration campaigns are being planned to prov
B. L. Markham, Wayne C. Boncyk, D. L. Helder, J. L. Barker

Landsat TM memory effect characterization and correction

Before radiometric calibration of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data can be done accurately, it is necessary to minimize the effects of artifacts present in the data that originate in the instrument's signal processing path. These artifacts have been observed in downlinked image data since shortly after launch of Landsat 4 and 5. However, no comprehensive work has been done to characterize all the
D. Helder, W. Boncyk, R. Morfitt

Artifact correction and absolute radiometric calibration techniques employed in the Landsat 7 image assessment system

The Landsat-7 Image Assessment System (IAS), part of the Landsat-7 Ground System, will calibrate and evaluate the radiometric and geometric performance of the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM +) instrument. The IAS incorporates new instrument radiometric artifact correction and absolute radiometric calibration techniques which overcome some limitations to calibration accuracy inherent in histori
Wayne C. Boncyk, Brian L. Markham, John L. Barker, Dennis Helder

Effects of empirical versus model-based reflectance calibration on automated analysis of imaging spectrometer data: a case study from the Drum Mountains, Utah

Data collected by the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) have been calibrated to surface reflectance using an empirical method and an atmospheric model-based method. Single spectra extracted from both calibrated data sets for locations with known mineralogy compared favorably with laboratory and field spectral measurements of samples from the same locations. Generally, spectra
John L. Dwyer, Fred A. Kruse, Adam B. Lefkoff

A technique for the reduction of banding in Landsat Thematic Mapper Images

The radiometric difference between forward and reverse scans in Landsat thematic mapper (TM) images, referred to as "banding," can create problems when enhancing the image for interpretation or when performing quantitative studies. Recent research has led to the development of a method that reduces the banding in Landsat TM data sets. It involves passing a one-dimensional spatial kernel over the d
Dennis L. Helder, Bruce K. Quirk, Joy J. Hood
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