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The Alaska Science Center Data Repository, a USGS Trusted Digital Repository, provides public access to the digital data from our research. See below for featured data sets and a list of all data releases from the USGS Alaska Science Center. All USGS released data sets are also listed in the USGS Science Data Catalog.

Filter Total Items: 465

Aerial Photo Imagery from Fall Waterfowl Surveys, Izembek Lagoon, Alaska, 2017-2019

The imagery and annotations presented here were generated while testing an aerial photographic survey design to improve repeatability, transparency, and estimation of variance for annual population estimates of geese staging at Izembek Lagoon, Alaska. This dataset includes 1) 131,031 .JPG images captured from a small fixed-wing occupied aircraft, usually at an altitude of about 457 m, over Izembek

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) mtDNA and Microsatellite Genetic Data, Alaska, Canada and Russia, 1880-2012

This data set provides sample information, microsatellite genotype, and NCBI accession numbers for mitochondrial DNA sequences of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) from North America and Russia.

Assessing the Status and Trends of Seabirds and Forage Fish in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska

This data release is composed of seven datasets regarding colonial seabirds and forage fish at two seabird nesting colonies on Gull and Chisik Islands in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. These data were collected to detect changes in the breeding population of Black-legged Kittiwakes and Common Murres on two nesting colonies in lower Cook Inlet and to compare those counts to baseline counts from 1995-199

Whole Rock Major and Trace Element Chemistry for Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks from the Western Alaska Range, Alaska

This data release contains whole rock major and trace element data for 399 igneous and sedimentary rock samples collected from the Western Alaska Range between 1968 and 2014 and funded by the Mineral Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. All materials were analyzed by ALS Global, between 2014 and 2018, by a range of different techniques, so multiple unique entries for a given element re

Zircon Trace Element Data for Igneous Units Related to Mineralization in the Eastern Yukon-Tanana Upland and nearby areas, Eastern Alaska

From 2017-2019, framework metallogenic studies were completed in the eastern Yukon-Tanana upland in eastern Alaska. Numerous previously undated plutons known or suspected to contain components of porphyry, epithermal, and intrusion-related gold systems and associated deposit types were sampled for age and zircon trace element determinations between the Black Mountain area and the Yukon border, nor

Radiocarbon and Luminescence Data for Fairweather Fault Investigation, Glacier Bay National Park, Southeast Alaska

This dataset is comprised of two tables with age data along the Fairweather fault in Glacier Bay National Park. The tables are: (1) radiocarbon dates analyzed at the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (NOSAMS), and (2) infrared stimulated luminescence ages determined by the Utah State University (USU) Luminescence Laboratory.

Intertidal and Subtidal Sea Otter Prey Sampling in Mixed Sediment Habitat in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, 1998 to 2011

This dataset provides clam species abundance and size data from intertidal and subtidal mixed sediment habitats in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve (GBNPP). Data are provided for all observed clams, horse mussels, or urchins 14 mm or larger. Sampling involved excavating 25 cm of substrate from quadrats (approximately 0.25 sq meter) along transects at random and selected sites, 10 quadrats at

Walrus Haulout Aerial Survey Data Near Point Lay Alaska, Autumn 2018 and 2019

This dataset consists of the complete set of aerial imagery and data from walrus haulouts collected by unoccupied aerial system (UAS) surveys near Pt. Lay, Alaska, during the autumns of 2018 and 2019. The data include: 1) georeferenced digital aerial imagery and flight logs from UAS surveys, and 2) orthoimages derived from the aerial imagery and flight logs by standardized structure from motion al

Inventory Data of Lowland-Breeding Birds and Associated Vegetation Types on the Alaska Peninsula, 2004-2007

These are data from a stratified random survey to inventory the birds breeding in lowlands (elevation below 100m) of the Alaska Peninsula, during summers 2004-2007. Data were collected at 792 points on 52 5-km x 5-km plots. The data are in six tables: 1) geographic coordinates of the bounding corners of each of the 52 plots, 2) geographic coordinates of each of the 792 bird count points, 3) counts

Genetic Microsatellite Data from Sorex, Based on Holarctic Sampling

This data set describes nuclear microsatellite genotypes derived from 17 autosomal loci (Sug001, Sug002, Sug003, Sug006, Sug007, Sug008, Sug009, Sug010, Sug011, Sug012, Sug019, Sug021, Sug022, Sug023, Sug024, Sug029, Sug038) in shrews, Sorex spp.

Location Data for Petrographic Samples and Isotopic and Age Data from Detrital Zircon Grains from Selected Rock Samples from St. Lawrence Island and the Western Brooks Range, Alaska

This data set contains a list of geologic station localities on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, from which thin section samples were examined. The data set also contains U-Pb isotopic data and ages of detrital zircon (DZ) from sedimentary rocks collected on St. Lawrence Island and in the western Brooks Range. All St. Lawrence Island samples (DZ and thin sections) were collected by U.S. Geological Sur

Data Used to Assess the Acute Physiological Response of Polar Bears to Helicopter Capture

This dataset is in five tables with data from ecophysiological studies of free-ranging polar bears of the Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation. They were equipped with high-resolution activity sensors, body temperature loggers, and GPS satellite-telemetry collars, to compare physiological state and activity of bears during natural behavior with that experienced by bears during helicopter recapture
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