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Atypical Feeding Behavior of Long-tailed Ducks in the Wake of a Commercial Fishing Boat while Clamming

Data represents analyses of gizzard and gullet (esophagus and proventriculus) of nine ducks using traditional techniques

Toxicity Assessment of Sediments Collected Upstream and Downstream of the White Dam in Clarke County, Georgia

A breach in the White Dam has been proposed to facilitate fish passage. As a Technical Assistance project, the U.S. Geological Survey provided toxicity assessments of sediment samples collected by USEPA personnel. These data describe water-quality conditions in exposure chambers during 42-d sediment exposures using the freshwater amphipod, Hyalella azteca.

Nutrient levels in surface waters of the Conasauga River and other tributaries within the Coosa River Watershed

Data Release for Report describes surface-water nutrient concentrations from multiple sites on the Conasauga River in northern Georgia in comparison with rivers in adjacent watersheds.

Experimental recovery rates of tidal marsh vegetation

We measured the response of plants to disturbance across a gradient in inundation times by transplanting tussocks of Schoenoplectus americanus into mesocosms of different elevation in two marsh organ platforms. Both organs were planted on April 11, 2012 and harvested on August 21, 2012. Plants in one organ were disturbed by clipping all above ground vegetation on June 20 2012 (62 days), and left u

Anomalous bioaccumulation of lead in the earthworm Eisenoides lonnbergi (Michaelsen)

This data set includes metal concentrations measured in a species of earthworm (Eisenoides lonnbergi) collected at various locations on the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.

Exposure of Peromyscus leucopus to lead and cadmium in the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District

The exposure of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) to lead and cadmium and the potential associated toxic effects were examined at three sites contaminated with lead in the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District and at a reference site. Mice from the contaminated sites showed evidence of oxidative stress and red-blood cell δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity was depressed by an

Development of a Multimetric Index for Integrated Assessment of Salt Marsh Ecosystem Condition

Data Release for journal publication describing development of a multimetric index for assessing salt marsh condition in northeastern National Parks. This is the first application of an empirical, metric-selection algorithm to metrics from multiple trophic groups (vegetation and nekton). While MMIs derived from nekton or vegetation metrics alone were strongly correlated with human disturbance (r-v

Air-water temperature data for the study of groundwater influence on stream thermal regimes in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (ver. 2.0, May 3, 2018)

USGS Leetown Science Center scientists collected hourly air and water temperature data at 79 site locations within nine watersheds in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia over four water years (2012-2015). Data were collected using HOBO Pro V2 thermographs (accuracy = 0.2 degrees Celsius, drift = less than 0.1 degrees Celsius per year per year).

Standardization and Application of an Index of Community Integrity for Waterbirds in the Chesapeake Bay

In recent decades, there has been increasing interest in the application of ecological indices to assess ecosystem condition in response to anthropogenic activities. DeLuca et al. (2008) developed an Index of Waterbird Community Integrity (IWCI) to evaluate breeding waterbird response to anthropogenic activities in the Chesapeake Bay, USA. As we attempted to apply this index to a study in the same

North American Breeding Bird Survey Dataset 1966 - 2016, version 2016.0

The 1966-2016 North American Breeding Bird Survey dataset contains avian point count data for more than 700 North American bird taxa (primarily species, but also some races and unidentified species groupings). These data are collected annually during the breeding season, primarily June and May, along thousands of randomly established roadside survey routes in the United States and Canada. Routes

Matrix inhibition PCR and Microtox 81.9% screening assay analytical results for samples collected for the Sediment-Bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response Strategy pilot study, northeastern United States, 2015

Coastal communities are uniquely vulnerable to sea-level rise (SLR) and severe storms such as hurricanes. These events enhance the dispersion and concentration of natural and anthropogenic chemicals and pathogenic microorganisms that could adversely affect the health and resilience of coastal communities and ecosystems in coming years. The U.S. Geological Survey has developed the Sediment-Bound Co

North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP) anuran detection data from the eastern and central United States (1994-2015)

The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP) was a collaborative citizen science effort between the US Geological Survey (USGS) and 26 Partners (state agencies, universities, and nonprofits) for monitoring calling amphibian populations over much of the eastern and central United States. Initiated in 1997 in response to needs set forth by the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force i
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