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GECSC staff are responsible for the development of data and information products that support global environmental research, landscape change investigations, geologic studies and emergency response activities. 

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Spectral reflectance measurements of radiometric calibration panels for UAS image calibration

Calibration panels are used as reference materials with known reflectance characteristics to convert remote sensing image pixel values to scientific units such as reflectance. At the time of purchase, the panel vendor typically provides the customer with reflectance data for the panel. The vendor-provided spectral data as a reference for each panel’s reflectance values at the time of purchase. Ove

Data release for Oxygen isotopes of land snail shells in high latitude regions

The present study investigates the environmental significance of the oxygen isotopic composition of several modern land snail species collected along two north-to-south transects in Alaska and Scandinavia at latitudes between 60 and 70 degrees N. We tested the hypothesis that land snail shell Delta18O values primarily track precipitation Delta18O. The results show that shell Delta18O values from S

Data release for luminescence: Edwards Air Force Base (CA) and CA Water Science Center report including luminescence data and ages

The following report summarizes the dating results from Aeolian deposits within and around Edwards Air Force Base in California. Within this report, we detail the methodology used by the USGS Luminescence Geochronology Laboratory to obtain ages including sample preparation methods, luminescence measurement, equivalent dose determination, and dating related calculations. We recommend that this repo

Sr-, U-, H- and O-isotope data used to evaluate water sources in the Potrero Creek Wetlands, Upper Santa Cruz Basin, southern Arizona, USA

This data release includes a table of 87Sr/86Sr, 234U/238U, δ2H, and δ18O isotope data used to evaluate groundwater- and surface-water-sources contributing to water in perennial wetlands near the mouth of Potrero Creek within the Upper Santa Cruz Basin near Nogales, AZ. Interpretations of those data are discussed in the pamphlet accompanying the USGS Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXXX

Data release for Evidence of glacial activity during MIS 4 in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA

The Ziegler Reservoir fossil site near Snowmass Village, Colorado (USA) provides a rare opportunity to examine environmental conditions in the Rocky Mountains during marine isotope stage (MIS) 4 (71-57 ka). Although recognized as a global-scale cold event, MIS 4 is typically absent from Rocky Mountain glacial chronologies because the geologic evidence was either covered or destroyed during the sub

Data Release for Reconstructing paleohydrology in the northwest Great Basin since the last deglaciation using Paisley Caves fish remains (Oregon, U.S.A.)

This dataset includes tables of stratigraphic age-depth information for Paisley Caves 2 and 5, in Oregon U.S.A., along with tables of fish bone abundance and stable and strontium isotopic data for fish remains and geological samples from the study area surrounding the Paisley Caves.

Data release for Evidence of humans in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum

Archaeologists and researchers in allied fields have long sought to understand human colonization of North America. Questions remain about when and how people migrated, where they originated, and how their arrival affected the established fauna and landscape. Here, we present evidence from excavated surfaces in White Sands National Park (New Mexico, United States), where multiple in situ human foo

Radiocarbon dating of an alluvial deposit with associated faunal remains

We assessed a construction site in the northern Las Vegas Valley that was initially reported as an "ice age" deposit. Alluvial deposits exposed at the site were inset into the Las Vegas Formation and contained semi-articulated Equus remains. Calibrated radiocarbon dates on two different materials associated with the remains centered on 1957, thus rendering the horse bones as modern.

Bringing the South Dakota southern Black Hills Mammoth Site formation and fossil discovery to light: a chronological reassignment using Luminescence Dating

The Mammoth Springs (MS) fossil site at Hot Springs, South Dakota, provides a unique opportunity to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. We used luminescence dating on fine sand sized potassium feldspars to establish a chronological framework for the site. In addition, we dated a late Pleistocene paludal proxy site using luminescence and incorporated those results with previous radiocarbon d

Geologic setting and geomorphic history of the La Botica area, south-central Colorado

La Botica is positioned on a topographic bench sharply inset into the gentle eastern slope of the high San Juan Mountains and perched ~70-80 meters above La Jara Creek (fig. 1), a tributary to the Rio Grande. Quaternary surface processes have modified the Tertiary bedrock deposits that underlie La Botica to shape the physical environment. Bedrock deposits consist of Oligocene to Pliocene volcanic

Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) data and ages for selected Native American Sacred Ceremonial Stone Landscape features--Final Project Report Submitted to the Narragansett Tribal Historic Preservation Trust

Stone rows, enclosures, structures and chambers can be found in the landscapes of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Structures similar to those shown in the cover photo are documented elsewhere. The age, cultural affiliation, and purpose of these stone structures--which are found in a variety of forms, such as piles arranged in spatial configurations across landscapes, shapes suggesting animal effig

DATA RELEASE Part 2: Optical luminescence dating of Bradley Lake, Oregon, tsunami deposits, analytical data for: A maximum rupture model for the central and southern Cascadia subduction zone-reassessing ages for coastal evidence of megathrust earthquakes

The following report summarizes the dating results from Bradley Lake, Oregon. Within this report, we detail the methodology used by the USGS Luminescence Geochronology Laboratory to obtain ages including sample preparation methods, luminescence measurement, equivalent dose determination, and datingrelated calculations. We recommend that this report be included as the supplementary material for any
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