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Publications from the staff of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center

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A special issue on volcanic centers as targets for mineral exploration; preface

NEPTUNE or Pluto? Since the days of Hutton and Werner, every generation of economic geologists has addressed this question in a new light. Most papers in this special issue deal with the thin and leaky roof of Pluto's underworld. It allows hot emanations from Hades to leak out, only to be quenched and diluted by waters percolating down from Neptune's realm.

Mineralogy, paragenesis, and mineral zoning of the Bulldog Mountain vein system, Creede District, Colorado

The Bulldog Mountain vein system, Creede district, Colorado, is one of four major epithermal vein systems from which the bulk of the district's historical Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu production has come. Ores deposited along the vein system were discovered in 1965 and were mined from 1969 to 1985.Six temporally gradational mineralization stages have been identified along the Bulldog Mountain vein system, each wit
Geoffrey S. Plumlee, Pamela Heald Whitehouse-Veaux

Compositions, growth mechanisms, and temporal relations of hydrothermal sulfide‐sulfate‐silica chimneys at the northern Cleft segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge

Three active hydrothermal vents forming sulfide mounds and chimneys (Monolith, Fountain, and Pipe Organ) and more widely distributed inactive chimneys are spatially related to a system of discontinuous fissures and young sheet flow lavas at the northern Cleft segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. The formation of zoned tubular Curich chimneys (type I) on the Monolith sulfide mound is related to focused flo
Randolph A. Koski, I. Jonasson, D. Kadko, Virginia K. Smith, Florence L. Wong

Circum-North Pacific tectonostratigraphic terrane map

The companion tectonostratigraphic terrane and overlap assemblage of map the Circum-North Pacific presents a modern description of the major geologic and tectonic units of the region. The map illustrates both the onshore terranes and overlap volcanic assemblages of the region, and the major offshore geologic features. The map is the first collaborative compilation of the geology of the region at a
Warren J. Nokleberg, Leonid M. Parfenov, James W.H. Monger, Boris B. Baranov, Stanislav G. Byalobzhesky, Thomas K. Bundtzen, Tracey D. Feeney, Kazuya Fujita, Steven P. Gordey, Arthur Grantz, Alexander I. Khanchuk, Boris A. Natal'in, Lev M. Natapov, Ian O. Norton, William W. Patton, George Plafker, David W. Scholl, Sergei D. Sokolov, Gleb M. Sosunov, David B. Stone, Rowland W. Tabor, Nickolai V. Tsukanov, Tracy L. Vallier, Koji Wakita

Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1993

This collection of 19 papers continues the annual series of U.S. Geological Survey reports on geologic investigations in Alaska. Contributions include 14 Articles and 5 shorter Geologic Notes that report results from all corners of the State.USGS activities in Alaska cover a broad spectrum of earth science topics, including the environment, hazards, resources, and geologic framework studies. Three

New uranium-series ages of the Waimanalo Limestone, Oahu, Hawaii: implications for sea level during the last interglacial period

The Waimanalo Formation (limestone) of Oahu has been correlated with the last interglacial period based on U-series dating of corals by T.-L. Ku and colleagues. The limestone consists of growth-position corals and overlying coral conglomerate. An apparent bimodal distribution of ages for the growth-position corals (mean age = 133 ka) and the overlying coral conglomerate (mean age = 119 ka) has bee
D.R. Muhs, B. J. Szabo

Grade and tonnage model of tungsten skarn deposits, Nevada

No abstract available.
David John, James D. Bliss

The geochemical cycling of trace elements in a biogenic meromictic lake

The geochemical processes affecting the behavior and speciation of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn in Hall Lake, Washington, USA, are assessed by examining dissolved and acid soluble particulate profiles of the elements and utilizing results from thermodynamic calculations. The water column of this meromictic lake is highly stratified and contains distinctive oxic, suboxic, and anoxi
Laurie S. Balistrieri, J.W. Murray, B. Paul

Integrated geology and preliminary cross section along the north ramp of the Exploratory Studies Facility, Yucca Mountain

The Exploratory Studies Facility is a major part of the site characterization activities at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, and the north ramp is the first phase of construction. The N61W trending north ramp will transect the Bow Ridge and Drill Hole Wash faults and numerous minor faults, and traverses two thick welded tuffs and several nonwelded tuff units. A preliminary cross section along the north ram
D.C. Buesch, R. P. Dickerson, R.M. Drake, R.W. Spengler

Continent-ocean transition in Alaska: The tectonic assembly of eastern Denalia

Alaska is the eastern, subaerial part of a large subcontinent of distinctive tectonic character that serves as an isthmus between nuclear North America, with its fringing belt of allochthonous terranes, and the accreted terranes and volcanic belts that constitute northeastern Russia. Physiographically, this subcontinent, which we name Denalia, is a bulge in the continental platform in the vicinity
Thomas E. Moore, Arthur Grantz, S. M. Roeske
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