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2018 Bay-Delta Science Conference: Our Estuary at an Intersection

August 30, 2018

The San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta estuary provides water to more than 25 million California residents, farmlands, and key fish and wildlife habitats. Continuing to meet these demands requires science that informs decision-making for long-term solutions. 

Wide angle of Sacramento Delta
Aerial view of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Providing this science is the focus for the 10th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, being held September 10-12, 2018, in Sacramento, California. This year’s theme is: Our Estuary at an Intersection

The Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference is jointly sponsored by the Delta Stewardship Council and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). USGS scientists are very active participants in this important conference: USGS scientists serve on the Conference Organizing Committee, organize and chair conference sessions, and give oral and poster presentations.

This year’s conference program features:

  • A plenary talk by USGS Pacific Region Director Mark Sogge about “Government Science at a Crossroad”
  • A panel discussion about “Crossing Bay-Delta-Watershed Intersections” with Anke Mueller-Solger, Associate Director for Projects in the USGS California Water Science Center (CAWSC)
  • 30 speakers from the USGS, including 13 from the CAWSC
  • Numerous USGS poster presentations on topics such as: altered nutrient inputs to the Bay-Delta, phytoplankton ecology, greenhouse gas measurements in Suisun Marsh, and new insights “from physics to fish” in the North Delta

The conference is a critical forum for presenting scientific findings and analysis relevant to Bay-Delta and California water issues. The goal of the conference is to bring new information to the broad community of scientists, engineers, resource managers, and stakeholders working on Bay-Delta issues.

More than 1,000 scientists, managers, and policymakers will gather to discuss the latest scientific information and ideas on managing Delta water for cities and farms while improving the aquatic ecosystem for fisheries, and meeting needs for recreation and tourism. The Bay-Delta Science Conference also provides scientific and management communities with the opportunity to make connections to ensure a two-way flow of needs, resources, ideas and understanding.

The conference will be held at the Sacramento Convention Center, 1400 J Street, and begins with a plenary session at 9 a.m. on September 10. This year’s conference is co-chaired by Alex Parker of the California Maritime Academy and Ted Sommer of the California Department of Water Resources. More information is available online.

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