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Hydrogeologic framework and simulation of predevelopment groundwater flow, eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates

Groundwater in eastern Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates is an important resource that is widely used for irrigation and domestic supplies in rural areas. The U.S. Geological Survey and the Environment Agency—Abu Dhabi cooperated on an investigation to integrate existing hydrogeologic information and to answer questions about regional groundwater resources in Abu Dhabi by developing a numerica
Jack R. Eggleston, Thomas J. Mack, Jeffrey L. Imes, Wade Kress, Dennis W. Woodward, Daniel J. Bright

Developing a precision irrigation framework to facilitate smallholder dry-season farming in developing countries: A case study in northern Ghana

Changing climate has resulted in increasingly unreliable weather patterns with prolonged dry-seasons in some parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. Food production in these areas is under threat because the people depend mostly on rain-fed farming. Enabling dry-season farming, in light of the prolonged dry-seasons, is central to sustainable food production and poverty alleviation in these areas. Efficient w
Jeremy M Fontaine, Joseph Fentzke, Erasmus K Oware, Eric Doe, Samuel Guug, John W. Lane

Hydrogeology of an alpine talus aquifer: Cordillera Blanca, Peru

The dramatic loss of glacial mass in low latitudes is causing shifts in downstream water availability and use during the driest months of the year. The world’s largest concentration of tropical glaciers lies in the Cordillera Blanca range of Peru, where glacial runoff is declining and regional stresses are emerging over water resources. Throughout the Cordillera Blanca, groundwater inputs from alp
Robin Glas, Laura K. Lautz, Jeffrey M. McKenzie, Robert Moucha, Daniel Chavez, Bryan Mark, John W. Lane

Message in a bottle: The story of drifting plastic in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is a closed basin with limited water exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar, and sites along its shores show the greatest densities of marine debris in the world. Plastic bottles, which are a growing concern due to high consumption of soft drinks and bottled water, constitute most of the floating marine debris. In this paper we present the transport mechanisms of floating m
Galia Pasternak, Dov Zviely, Asaf Ariel, Ehud Spanier, Christine Ribic

Rare earth element and rare metal inventory of central Asia

Rare earth elements (REE), with their unique physical and chemical properties, are an essential part of modern living. REE have enabled development and manufacture of high-performance materials, processes, and electronic technologies commonly used today in computing and communications, clean energy and transportation, medical treatment and health care, glass and ceramics, aerospace and defense, an
Mark J. Mihalasky, Robert D. Tucker, Karine Renaud, Ingrid M. Verstraeten

Improving our understanding of hydraulic-electrical relations: A case study of the surficial aquifer in Emirate Abu Dhabi

Transmissivity is a bulk hydraulic property that can be correlated with bulk electrical properties of an aquifer. In aquifers that are electrically-resistive relative to adjacent layers in a horizontally stratified sequence, transmissivity has been shown to correlate with bulk transverse resistance. Conversely, in aquifers that are electrically-conductive relative to adjacent layers, transmissivit
Scott Ikard, Wade H. Kress

Use of historic Persian water system data in groundwater models: Examples from Afghanistan and Emirates

Obtaining calibration data for models depicting conditions during pre-development periods can be challenging as such periods are characteristically data poor. This study presents two examples where simulation of historic water conveyance structures were used to help characterize historic, or pre-modern, conditions in calibration of groundwater flow models. Persian water conveyance structures, cal
Thomas J. Mack, Jack R. Eggleston

Topographic and Hydrographic GIS Datasets for the Afghanistan Geological Survey and U.S. Geological Survey 2014 Mineral Areas of Interest

Mineral extraction and associated industries play an important role in the Afghan economy, particularly in the “transitional era” of declining foreign aid and withdrawal of foreign troops post 2014. In addition to providing a substantial source of government revenue, other potential benefits of natural resource development include boosted exports, employment opportunities, and strengthened industr
Jessica D. DeWitt, Peter G. Chirico, Katherine C. Malpeli

Assessment of bauxite, clay, and laterite deposits in Afghanistan

Bauxite-bearing rocks are present in several regions of Afghanistan; specifically, the southeast segment of the North Afghanistan Platform, the eastern parts of South Afghanistan, and within the Afghanistan-North and -South Pamir Fold Regions. Bauxite-bearing rocks occur at various stratigraphic levels, in lithologically different sequences of sedimentary rocks. The bauxites are paleosols and repr
Karine M. Renaud, Bruce R. Wardlaw, Bernard E. Hubbard

Geologic map of the Ahankashan-Rakhna basin, Badghis, Ghor, and Herat Provinces, Afghanistan, modified from the 1974 original map compilation of Y.I. Shcherbina and others

This geologic map of the Ahankashan-Rakhna basin, Afghanistan, is a redrafted and modified version of the Geological map of the area of Ahankashan-Rakhna basin, scale 1:50,000 and Geological map of the Ahankashan area with data on mineral resources, scale 1:12,000 from Shcherbina and others (1974) (Soviet report no. 0822). That unpublished Soviet report contains the original maps and cross section
Robert D. Tucker, Will R. Stettner, Linda M. Masonic, Anya K. Bogdanow

Sustainability of water-supply at military installations, Kabul Basin, Afghanistan

The Kabul Basin, including the city of Kabul, Afghanistan, is host to several military installations of Afghanistan, the United States, and other nations that depend on groundwater resources for water supply. These installations are within or close to the city of Kabul. Groundwater also is the potable supply for the approximately four million residents of Kabul. The sustainability of water resourc
Thomas J. Mack, Michael P. Chornack, Ingrid M. Verstraeten

Groundwater-level trends and forecasts, and salinity trends, in the Azraq, Dead Sea, Hammad, Jordan Side Valleys, Yarmouk, and Zarqa groundwater basins, Jordan

Changes in groundwater levels and salinity in six groundwater basins in Jordan were characterized by using linear trends fit to well-monitoring data collected from 1960 to early 2011. On the basis of data for 117 wells, groundwater levels in the six basins were declining, on average about -1 meter per year (m/yr), in 2010. The highest average rate of decline, -1.9 m/yr, occurred in the Jordan Side

Daniel J. Goode, Lisa A. Senior, Ali Subah, Ayman Jaber
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