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The USGS Water Resources Mission Area provides water information that is fundamental to our economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of our water resources. Listed below are discrete data releases and datasets produced during our science and research activities. To explore and interact with our data using online tools and products, view our web tools.

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Webb and Rosenberry, 2020, MODFLOW 2005 and MODPATH 5 model data sets used to evaluate seepage-meter efficiency in high-permeability settings

A three-dimensional finite-difference model, MODFLOW-2005 (version 1.12.00), was developed to better understand how Seepage Meter efficiency changes when installed in sediments with wide range of conductivities. The hypothesis is that coarser sediments will allow a greater portion of upward-flow to flow around the meter instead of through it. The hypothetical model simulates upward flow through un

RiverMET: Workflow and scripts for river metabolism estimation including Illinois River Basin application, 2005 - 2020

Ecosystem metabolism is a measure of energy flow in terrestrial and aquatic environments that quantifies a balance between the rate of biomass production by photosynthesizing plants and the rate of biomass oxidation by respiring plants and animals to maintain and build living biomass. It is therefore a fundamental measure of ecosystem function that quantifies the balance between the rate of produc

High-Flow Field Experiments to Inform Everglades Restoration: Experimental Data 2010 to 2022 (ver. 2.0, October 2023)

Data were collected between 2010 and 2022 in a research area of the Everglades known as the Decompartmentalization Physical Model (DPM), a wetland area in the central Everglades that includes canals and levees bordering Water Conservation Area 3A (WCA-3A) to the northwest and Water Conservation Area 3B (WCA-3B) to the southeast. During the twelve-year study period more than ten major controlled fl

High-flow Experimental Outcomes for Everglades Hydraulics and Aquatic Metabolism

Data were collected between 2013 and 2022 in a research area of the Everglades known as the Decompartmentalization Physical Model (DPM), a wetland area in the central Everglades that includes canals and levees bordering Water Conservation Area 3A (WCA-3A) to the northwest and Water Conservation Area 3B (WCA-3B) to the southeast. During the study more than ten major controlled flow releases occurre

Biophysical Data for Simulating Overland Flow in the Everglades

A biophysical approach to modeling overland flow in the Everglades can help predict future outcomes for ecological habitat, water storage during droughts, and water conveyance during floods. The data provided include measurements of vegetation stem architecture, microtopography, and landscape pattern metrics. Stem architecture measurements present the opportunity to estimate flow roughness of dist

Tidal hydrologic and constitutent loads from First Mallard Water Quality Station in the Rush Ranch Marsh Complex of the San Francisco Bay Estuarine Research Reserve (SFBNERR) 2016-2018

The data herein report continuous field measurements and specific discrete sampling events associated with water quality and carbon consitutents - both dissolved and particulate forms. These data were coupled with atmospheric flux measurements during the 2017-18 water year to estimate the net storage of fixed carbon within the marsh on an areal basis. Direct and indirect measurement showed 47 to 5

Stream temperature predictions in the Delaware River Basin using pseudo-prospective learning and physical simulations

Stream networks with reservoirs provide a particularly hard modeling challenge because reservoirs can decouple physical processes (e.g., water temperature dynamics in streams) from atmospheric signals. Including observed reservoir releases as inputs to models can improve water temperature predictions below reservoirs, but many reservoirs are not well-observed. This data release contains prediction

Thickness and characteristics of overbank sediment deposited during an extreme flood in May 1978 along Powder River, Montana

This data release consists of tables with the thickness and particle-size characteristics of overbank sediment deposited in May 1978 along the valley of Powder River in southeastern Montana. About 900 sediment samples were collected at regularly-spaced distances from 20 valley transects along a 90-kilometer reach of Powder River between Moorhead and Broadus, Montana. The decrease in sediment thick

Dissolved organic carbon, total petroleum hydrocarbons and and toxicity assay results for Bemidji, MN (2018)

In crude-oil-contaminant plumes the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is mainly hydrocarbon degradation intermediates only partly quantified by the diesel range total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPHd) method. To understand potential biological effects of degradation intermediates we tested three fractions of DOC: (1) solid phase extract (HLB); (2) dichloromethane (DCM-total) extract used in TPHd; and (3)

Nonvolatile dissolved organic carbon and diesel range organics concentrations measured in 2016 at the Bemidji crude oil study site

The Bemidji crude oil spill site is a long-term USGS study site to understand the fate of crude oil in the shallow subsurface. A description of the site can be found at In 2014 concentrations of non-volatile dissolved organic carbon (NVDOC) were three times higher than diesel range organics (DRO) in the contaminant plume*. This is important because most

Digital orthophotos and field measurements of flow velocity from the Tanana and Nenana Rivers, Alaska, from August 2021 (ver. 2.0, June 2024)

This data release includes digital orthophotos acquired from a fixed-wing aircraft and field measurements of flow velocity from the Tanana and Nenana Rivers near Nenana, Alaska, obtained on August 18 and 19, 2021.  This parent data release includes links to child pages for two data sets produced during the study: 1. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) field measurements of flow velocity from

Data for simulation experiments comparing nonstationary design-flood adjustments based on observed annual peak flows in the conterminous United States

This dataset contains files used in this Monte Carlo simulation study comparing the performance of five statistical models for adjusting design floods for current conditions at sites with known trends. These files include (i) the observed annual peak-flow series in the conterminous US used to inform ranges of known moments and trends used in the simulation experiment, (ii) the 3,000 combinations o
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