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Information Flows Freely, Even in a Drought

Information Flows Freely, Even in a Drought

The Colorado River system provides about 35 million Americans with a portion of their water supply. It irrigates 5½ million acres of land in the West...

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Water managers explore new strategies to protect fish in California’s Bay Delta

Water managers explore new strategies to protect fish in California’s Bay Delta

The water in the Delta arrives primarily from the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, supplying water for more than 22 million people. This water...

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How Well Do You Know Groundwater

How Well Do You Know Groundwater

Groundwater, which flows out of sight through aquifers beneath our feet, is one of the Nation’s most important natural resources. In recognition of Na...

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The Challenge of Tracking Nutrient Pollution 2,300 Miles

The Challenge of Tracking Nutrient Pollution 2,300 Miles

Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential nutrients—yet too much of a good thing is not always a good thing. Scientists are investigating nutrient...

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Monitoring Alaska’s Remote and Restless Bogoslof Volcano

Monitoring Alaska’s Remote and Restless Bogoslof Volcano

Bogoslof volcano, located in the Aleutian Islands about 98 km (61 mi) northwest of Dutch Harbor/Unalaska, is in an active eruption sequence that began...

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New USGS Maps Identify Potential Ground-Shaking Hazards in 2017

New USGS Maps Identify Potential Ground-Shaking Hazards in 2017

New USGS maps identify potential ground-shaking hazards in 2017 from both human-induced and natural earthquakes in the central and eastern U.S.

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Just HOW EARLY is spring arriving in your neighborhood? Find out . . .

Just HOW EARLY is spring arriving in your neighborhood? Find out . . .

Get your flip-flops and shorts out because spring is arriving very early this year . . . at least 2-3 weeks early across almost the entire Southeast...

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Just HOW EARLY is spring arriving in your neighborhood? Find out . . .

Just HOW EARLY is spring arriving in your neighborhood? Find out . . .

Get your flip-flops and shorts out because spring is arriving very early this year . . . at least 2-3 weeks early across almost the entire Southeast...

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Stormy weather: How the USGS goes to work monitoring its effects

Stormy weather: How the USGS goes to work monitoring its effects

Atmospheric rivers are a global weather phenomenon that can bring large amounts of rain or snow to the U.S. West Coast each year. These rivers of wet...

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Predicting Postfire Debris Flows Saves Lives

Predicting Postfire Debris Flows Saves Lives

When wildfires spread and scorch the earth, people like Penny Luehring have to act fast. Secondary impacts such as debris flows can be devastating to...

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Landsat Eyes Help Guard the World’s Forests

Landsat Eyes Help Guard the World’s Forests

“We’re seeing the loss of forests in many places,” said Matthew Hansen, a professor at the University of Maryland. “Dynamics include increasing...

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Maps Made With Light Show the Way

Maps Made With Light Show the Way

The topic, officially, was water. But during a scientific conference in Butte, Montana, in 2013, earthquake expert Michael Stickney glimpsed something...

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