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New enhancements to WHISPers made possible by partnership with SGCI

The USGS National Wildlife Health Center is excited to announce usability enhancements to WHISPers, the Wildlife Health Information Sharing Partnership – event reporting system. The enhancements include a more secure and streamlined registration process and a re-envisioned home page with an integrated search and an updated map display to show events by animal type (mammal, bird, amphibian, etc.). 

The recent updates were the result of a partnership with the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI), a National Science Foundation funded organization that provides services, resources, community support, and education for creating and sustaining science gateways. NWHC partnered with SGCI to conduct a usability assessment and to receive developer support to implement the usability recommendations. Learn more about this successful partnership featured on the SGCI website

We are committed to growing and expanding WHISPers and making improvements like these to aid in wildlife health information sharing. If you have any comments or questions about these new changes, or would like more information about WHISPers, please contact us at WHISPers user guides and other resources are also available on our website.  

Screenshot of WHISPers showing map of North America and search fields on left side column.
New usability changes have been made to WHISPers, including an updated search and map. The map now displays events by animal type instead of by disease type. Visit to see more. (USGS. Public domain.)

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