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The Environmental Health Program (Contaminant Biology and Toxic Substances Hydrology) generate  environmental contaminant and pathogen, toxicity, and effects data. All of which is provided to the public in our publications and data sets. 

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Water quality and discharge data from draining mine tunnels near Silverton, Colorado 1993-2015

The American Tunnel, the Black Hawk mine, the Gold King mine, the Mogul mine, and the Red and Bonita mine are located in the Cement Creek watershed, tributary to the upper Animas River near Silverton, Colorado. All five sites have tunnels that drain groundwater from abandoned underground mine workings to the surface. This draining water has elevated concentrations of metals and degrades water qual

Chemistry data for assessment of the containment sediment at Pinyon Plains Mine, 2020

These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.) in Pinyon Plains Mine containment pond samples collected in calendar year 2020.

Elements in elk tissues harvested in pre-uranium mining and non-mining areas, 2019

These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.) in elk tissue samples (livers and muscle) collected from tribal hunting grounds (pre-uranium mining site) and an elk farm in Wisconsin (non-mining site) in calendar year 2019.

Elements in Kemp's ridley turtle egg contents collected from failed eggs laid by radio-tagged females along the Texas Gulf coast in 2010-2013

These data are comprised of measurements of elements (i.e., aluminum, iron, vanadium, chromium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, tin, antimony, barium, thallium, lead, mercury, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, and strontium) in Kemp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) egg contents. The eggs were collected along the Texas Gulf coast in 2010-2013; onl

Pesticide and Pharmaceutical Exposure Data for Select Streams within Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 2019

This dataset included the concentration results (in nanograms per liter) for 328 pharmaceutical and pesticide compounds analyzed within the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina, in 2019. Two samples were collected (July and September) at 15 locations within the park, and one location at the park boundary. Samples were analyzed at the National Water Quality Laboratory (N

Biomass accrual and trace-element concentrations in water and periphytic algae at select locations in the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers, Montana, 2015

The U.S. Geological Survey monitored algal biomass accrual and concentrations of metals and other trace elements in stream water and periphytic algae at 3-4 day intervals over a 2-week period at 3 locations within the upper and middle portions of the mining-impacted Clark Fork River, Montana, and at one location on the relatively unimpacted Blackfoot River tributary. This data release makes availa

Liquid Chromatography Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis of cyanobacteria cultures from Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake (CA, USA, 2016) for cyanotoxins and algal toxins

Cyanobacteria are common in inland water bodies. Many strains are known to produce potent toxins (cyanotoxins) which can impact human and animal health in sufficient concentrations. Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake are two impaired lakes in California with frequent cyanobacteria blooms that are not monitored for toxin production. These data document the liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass sp

Microbial Source Tracking Marker Concentrations in Congaree National Park in 2017-2019, South Carolina, USA

The dataset contains quantitative polymerase chain reaction data for microbial source tracking markers screened on water samples collected from streams and rivers within and bounding Congaree National Park from samples collected throughout the year from December 2017 through June 2019. The number of samples collected per event ranged from 4-16 over the span of 11 sample events.

Target-Chemical Concentration Results of Mixed-Organic/Inorganic Chemical Exposures in Cape Cod, Massachusetts Tapwater, 2018

This dataset provides the water-quality results for organic and inorganic concentrations analyzed from samples collected at residential tapwater faucets, sourced from private drinking water wells in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Samples were collected in July and August, 2018 from 20 locations. Samples were analyzed at various U.S. Geological Survey laboratories: the National Water Quality Laboratory i

Liquid Chromatography Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis of cyanotoxins and algal toxins in estuary samples collected from California, USA, in 2016-17

Cyanobacteria are primary producers present in many water bodies, certain types of which may produce potent toxins (known as cyanotoxins). They are known to impact human and animal health when exposed through recreational activities, consumption, and inhalation. In an effort to understand the presence of toxin-producing cyanobacteria in California water bodies, cyanobacteria samples were collected

Chemical and biological data from acute toxicity tests with road dust suppressant chemicals and five freshwater organisms

Dust suppressants and soil stabilizer products are applied to unpaved roads worldwide to reduce dust production and stabilize road surfaces. Although these products may enter roadside surface water through runoff or leaching, little information is available on environmental fate or aquatic toxicity. The data reported here include the acute toxicity of 27 dust suppressant/soil stabilizer products t

Brecchia pipe uranium mine bird survey data, Grand Canyon region, 2014-2015

Containment ponds at uranium mines in the Grand Canyon region have been suspected to pose an attractive nuisance to local wildlife in this arid landscape. To determine the presence of bird species at uranium mine openings, we surveyed the bird community in the area surrounding the mines repeatedly within one year and summarized species occurrence. We observed 35 species of birds directly using the
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