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The Environmental Health Program (Contaminant Biology and Toxic Substances Hydrology) generate  environmental contaminant and pathogen, toxicity, and effects data. All of which is provided to the public in our publications and data sets. 

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Assessment of Endocrine Disruption in the Shenandoah River Watershed - Chemical and Biological Data from Mobile Laboratory Fish Exposures and Other Experiments Conducted during 2014, 2015, and 2016

This data release presents chemical and biological results from investigations of water quality, fish endocrine disruption, and emergent insects in the Shenandoah River Watershed (Virginia and West Virginia, USA) conducted during 2014, 2015, and 2016. Multiple sampling campaigns were conducted at sites located throughout the Shenandoah River Watershed (Table 1). The complex inorganic and organic c

Geochemical Composition of Urban Stormwater Runoff Within the Conterminous United States from Samples Collected in 2016-2017

These analyses provide the basic geochemical composition of urban stormwater runoff from rainwater/stormwater that does or has the potential to infiltrate groundwater from Green Infrastructure control measures. These measures are able to mimic the natural landscape with engineered designed systems to enhance stormwater infiltration to groundwater.

Hydrologic, biogeochemical, and radon data collected within and adjacent to the Little Wind River near Riverton, Wyoming

The U.S. Geological Survey is studying the interaction of a contaminated groundwater plume enriched in uranium and other trace elements with water, sediment, and biota along a 3 km reach of the Little Wind River in central Wyoming. The source of the contaminants is from a reclaimed uranium mill site near Riverton, Wyoming. The study is being done in collaboration with the Department of Energy, Uni

Chemical-Gene and Chemical-Pathway Interactions Predicted for Chemicals Detected in the USGS-USEPA National Streams Pilot Study Based on Effects Data in the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD)

Data from study assessing the utility of knowledgebase-leveraging of comprehensive environmental-contaminant-exposure datasets by comparing biological effects predicted on the basis of target chemical analyses with measured biological effects in corresponding split water samples.

Mixed Organic and Inorganic Tapwater Results in the Greater Chicago Area, USA, 2017-2019

This data set contains the result for inorganic constituents and organic compounds collected from tapwater locations, as well as water filtration plants, in East Chicago, Indiana, and Chicago, Illinois in 2017. Additionally quality assurance data collected was summarized. Residential samples collected were done so directly from residential kitchen taps (faucets) as is, it was noted if a point-of-u

Water-Quality, Bed-Sediment, and Biological Data (October 2016 through September 2017) and Statistical Summaries of Data for Streams in the Clark Fork Basin, Montana

Water, bed sediment, and biota were sampled in streams from Butte to near Missoula, Montana, as part of a monitoring program in the upper Clark Fork Basin of western Montana. The sampling program was led by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Concentrations of Chlorinated Ethene Compounds in Rock Core Collected from the Mudstone Underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey

These data sets present results from the analyses of chlorinated ethene compounds in samples of rock core collected from boreholes in the mudstone underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, New Jersey.

Seasonal and spatial variation in the location and reactivity of a nitrate-contaminated groundwater discharge zone in a lakebed

The U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program at Cape Cod has been investigating the fate and transport of a treated-wastewater, groundwater contaminant plume. A portion of the contaminated groundwater discharges into Ashumet Pond, a kettle hole, freshwater lake. A study was conducted from June 2013 to June 2015 to document transport, transformation, and discharge of dissolved inor

Toxicity of aluminum to Ceriodaphnia dubia in natural waters as affected by hardness and dissolved organic matter

Attributes regarding the influence of dissolved organic matter on chronic Al exposure and the effects on Ceriodaphnia dubia survival and reproduction.

Acute and latent effects of zinc on two commonly tested species (Ceriodaphnia dubia and Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Data regarding the evaluation of the toxicity of zinc in 1-, 3-, 8-, 24-, and 48-hour exposures with a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia), and in 1-, 3-, 8-, 24-, and 96-hour exposures with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on survival and mobility of test organisms.

Data for assessment of the containment pond at Canyon Mine, 2017-2018

These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.) in Canyon Mine containment pond samples collected in calendar years 2017 and 2018.

Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of seed-treatment pesticides following the dosing of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)

Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) were orally dosed with pesticide-treated or control-untreated wheat seeds. Pesticide treated wheat seeds were analytically verified for active ingredients of imidacloprid, metalaxyl, tebuconazole, and fludioxonil. Pesticide and metabolite residues were measured in plasma, liver, brain, kidney, muscle, and excreta of exposed and control birds. Samples were extract
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