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Geomagnetism publications.

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Close temporal correspondence between geomagnetic anomalies and earthquakes during the 2002-2003 eruption of Etna volcano

The early stages of the 2002-2003 lateral eruption at Mount Etna were accompanied by slow changes (over some hours) and some rapid step offsets in the local magnetic field. At five monitoring locations, the total magnetic field intensity has been measured using continuously operating Overhauser magnetometers at a sampling rate of 10 s. The very unique aspect of these observations is the close temp
G. Currenti, Negro C. Del, M. Johnston, Y. Sasai

National Geomagnetism Program: Current Status & Five-Year Plan, 2006-2010

Executive Summary: The U.S. Geological Survey's Geomagnetism Program serves the scientific community and the broader public by collecting and distributing magnetometer data from an array of ground-based observatories and by conducting scientific analysis on those data. Preliminary, variational time-series can be collected and distributed in near-real time, while fully calibrated, absolute time-ser
Jeffrey J. Love

Statistical modeling of storm-level Kp occurrences

We consider the statistical modeling of the occurrence in time of large Kp magnetic storms as a Poisson process, testing whether or not relatively rare, large Kp events can be considered to arise from a stochastic, sequential, and memoryless process. For a Poisson process, the wait times between successive events occur statistically with an exponential density function. Fitting an exponential func
K.J. Remick, Jeffrey J. Love

Do migratory flight paths of raptors follow constant geographical or geomagnetic courses?

We tested whether routes of raptors migrating over areas with homogeneous topography follow constant geomagnetic courses more or less closely than constant geographical courses. We analysed the routes taken over land of 45 individual raptors tracked by satellite-based radiotelemetry: 25 peregrine falcons, Falco peregrinus, on autumn migration between North and South America, and seven honey buzzar
K. Thorup, M. Fuller, T. Alerstam, M. Hake, N. Kjellen, R. Strandberg

Airport geomagnetic surveys in the United States

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the United States military have requirements for design, location, and construction of compass calibration pads (compass roses), these having been developed through collaboration with US Geological Survey (USGS) personnel. These requirements are detailed in the FAA Advisory Circular AC 150/5300-13, Appendix 4, and in various military documents, such as
A. Berarducci

Are migrating raptors guided by a geomagnetic compass?

We tested whether routes of raptors migrating over areas with homogeneous topography follow constant geomagnetic courses more or less closely than constant geographical courses. We analysed the routes taken over land of 45 individual raptors tracked by satellite-based radiotelemetry: 25 peregrine falcons, Falco peregrinus, on autumn migration between North and South America, and seven honey buzzar
Kasper Thorup, Mark R. Fuller, T. Alerstam, M. Hake, N. Kjellen, R. Standberg

NOAA-USGS Debris-Flow Warning System - Final Report

Landslides and debris flows cause loss of life and millions of dollars in property damage annually in the United States (National Research Council, 2004). In an effort to reduce loss of life by debris flows, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) operated an experimental debris-flow prediction and warning sy

Magnetic equator

No abstract available.
Jeffrey J. Love

Book review: Earth’s magnetism in the age of sail

For many centuries, the source, behavior, and even the essential nature of geomagnetism were enigmatic. Despite this, the effect of geomagnetism was familiar, by imparting a directional preference on the magnetized needle of the compass and providing a useful, if somewhat annoyingly complicated, reference for navigators. Although the compass seems to have first been invented in China, it was the E
Jeffrey J. Love

Paleointensity in Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project Hole (HSDP2): Results from submarine basaltic glass

Paleointensity estimates based on the high quality Thellier‐Thellier data from the early Brunhes (420–780 ka) are rare (only 30 in the published literature). The Second Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP2) drill hole recovered submarine volcanics spanning the approximate time period of 420–550 ka. These are of particular interest for absolute paleointensity studies owing to the abundance o
L. Tauxe, Jeffrey J. Love

Gaussian statistics for palaeomagnetic vectors

With the aim of treating the statistics of palaeomagnetic directions and intensities jointly and consistently, we represent the mean and the variance of palaeomagnetic vectors, at a particular site and of a particular polarity, by a probability density function in a Cartesian three-space of orthogonal magnetic-field components consisting of a single (unimoda) non-zero mean, spherically-symmetrical
Jeffrey J. Love, C.G. Constable


No abstract available.
Jeffrey J. Love
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