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MRP information and data can be accessed through multiple pathways from publications to data releases. The Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data web portal is MRP's primary resource for interactive maps and downloadable geospatial data for regional and global geology, geochemistry, geophysics, and mineral resources. Individual data releases and data sets are also listed below.

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Operation Basement: Missouri Precambrian Sample Database

In 1968, the Missouri Geological Survey (MGS) established the Operation Basement program to address three objectives: a) to obtain drill hole and underground mining data relative to the structure and composition of the buried Precambrian basement; b) to expand mapping in the Precambrian outcrop area and conduct research related to Precambrian geology and mineral resources; and c) to publish the re

Laboratory data from testing parameters of EPA Method 3060A on Soils Contaminated with Chromium Ore Processing Residue 2013-2016

It has been shown that EPA Method 3060A does not adequately extract Cr(VI) from solids containing chromium ore processing residue (COPR). We systematically tested modifications to prescribed parameters of EPA 3060A towards improving extraction efficiency of Cr(VI) from NIST SRM 2701, a standard COPR-contaminated soil from New Jersey (NJ). The alkaline extraction fluid leached Al, Si, and B from th

Airborne imaging spectrometer data collected for characterizing mineral resources near Nabesna, Alaska, 2014

Imaging spectrometer (hyperspectral) data were collected using the HyMap sensor over the Nabesna Area of Interest (AOI) in the eastern Alaska Range, July 14 and July 21, 2014. The primary study area was a remote part of the eastern Alaska Range where porphyry deposits are exposed. The HyMap imaging spectrometer measured reflected sunlight in 126 narrow channels spanning the 0.4 to 2.5 micron wavel

Geochemical Data Release for Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area, Magruder Corridor and Special Mining Management Zone Additions to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area, and adjacent areas Idaho and Montana

The data release for Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area and the Magruder Corridor and Special Mining Management Zone Additions to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area, and adjacent areas Idaho and Montana, contains a subset of previously unpublished geochemical data from the 1979-1984 projects. In the case of Gospel-Hump Wilderness Area study (Lund and Esparza, 1990), the purpose of the pr

Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Ironton, Missouri area

This publication provides digital flight line data for a high resolution horizontal magnetic gradient and radiometric survey over the Ironton, Missouri area of southeast Missouri. Data were collected using a fixed wing aircraft with magnetometers mounted in the tail stinger and each wing tip pod and a fully calibrated gamma ray spectrometer. The survey took place out of the Farmington, Missouri a

The State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) Geodatabase of the Conterminous United States

The State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) geodatabase of the conterminous United States ( represents a seamless, spatial database of 48 State geologic maps that range from 1:50,000 to 1:1,000,000 scale. A national digital geologic map database is essential in interpreting other datasets that support numerous types of national-scale studies and assessments, such as

Particulate Matter Identification in Lung Tissue from Deployers, Positive, and Negative controls Using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (2013-2016)

We developed and tested a new method for in situ characterization of the types and distribution of inorganic particles in biopsied lung tissue from three diverse human subject groups using field emission scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive analyzer. Backscattered electron and secondary electron images of particulate matter in lung tissue were acquired. Inorganic particulate matt

Rare Earth Element Occurrence Database of the Tien Shan Region, Central Asia

Central Asia, site of the historic Silk Road trade network, has long been a conduit for the movement of people, energy, and mineral resources between Europe and Asia. Once part of the former Soviet Union, this region was and continues to be an important producer of base and precious metals, rare metals (RM), including niobium, tantalum, and beryllium, and a past producer of rare earth elements (RE

Titanium-vanadium deposits hosted in mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions and massif anorthosite intrusions from around the world

This data release includes four .csv files and one Esri shapefile which contain data on titanium-vanadium deposits hosted in mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions and massif anorthosite intrusions from around the world. Some of the data was used to create a grade and tonnage model for titanium-vanadium deposits hosted in mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions. Only deposits with reported grade and tonn

Fluid Inclusion Noble Gas Data From Goldfield and Tonopah Epithermal Au-Ag Deposits

Twenty-five ore and gangue mineral separates from the Miocene-age Goldfield and Tonopah epithermal Au-Ag deposits in southwestern Nevada were analyzed to determine the helium, neon, and argon (He, Ne, and Ar) isotopic compositions contained in fluid inclusions. Four mineral separates from the Butte Main Stage vein deposit and two from the Bingham pyrite-enargite vein deposits were also analyzed. F

40Ar/39Ar data for: Characteristics and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Erdenet Cu-Mo deposit, Mongolia

This dataset was collected by Leah E. Morgan in the Argon Geochronology Laboratory of the USGS in Denver, Colorado in 2015. The dataset contains full raw argon isotopic data for samples presented in the manuscript: Characteristics and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of the Erdenet Cu-Mo Deposit, Mongolia. Imants Kavalieris, Bat-Erdene Khashgerel, Leah E. Morgan, Alexander Undrakhtamir, Adiya Borohul. Econ

Transient Electromagnetic Sounding Data Collected in the San Luis Valley, Colorado Near Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve and the Alamosa National Wildlife Preserve (Field Seasons 2007, 2009, and 2011)

Time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) soundings were made in the San Luis Valley, Colorado to map the location of a blue clay unit as well as suspected faults. A total of 147 soundings were made near and in Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. An additional six soundings were made near Hansen Bluff on the eastern edge of the Alamosa National Wildlife Preserve. The blue clay is a significant hy
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