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Large bird on a building
Northern Hawk Owl on a building in Juneau, Alaska
Northern Hawk Owl on a building in Juneau, Alaska
Northern Hawk Owl on a building in Juneau, Alaska

Northern Hawk Owl on a building in Juneau, Alaska.

satellite image of brown resuspended volcanic ash cloud over Kodiak Island, Alaska
Satellite image of resuspended volcanic ash cloud over Kodiak Island, Alaska
Satellite image of resuspended volcanic ash cloud over Kodiak Island, Alaska
Satellite image of resuspended volcanic ash cloud over Kodiak Island, Alaska

MODIS Aqua 1 km true color satellite image showing resuspended volcanic ash cloud (arrow) generated from high winds scouring exposed ash on the Pacific side of the Katmai volcanic range. The cloud stretches across the Shelikof Straight and western Kodiak Island. Image ID 2010333 taken November 29, 2010. Courtesy NASA.

MODIS Aqua 1 km true color satellite image showing resuspended volcanic ash cloud (arrow) generated from high winds scouring exposed ash on the Pacific side of the Katmai volcanic range. The cloud stretches across the Shelikof Straight and western Kodiak Island. Image ID 2010333 taken November 29, 2010. Courtesy NASA.

Image: Annotated Satellite Image of southern Alaska Showing Anchorage and Kodiak Island
Annotated Satellite Image of southern Alaska Showing Anchorage and Kodiak Island
Annotated Satellite Image of southern Alaska Showing Anchorage and Kodiak Island
Annotated Satellite Image of southern Alaska Showing Anchorage and Kodiak Island

This MODIS Aqua 1-km-resolution, true-color satellite image shows a resuspended ash cloud generated from high winds scouring the dry, unvegetated deposits in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. The cloud stretches across Shelikof Strait to western Kodiak Island.

Location: south-central Alaska, from Kodiak to Anchorage

This MODIS Aqua 1-km-resolution, true-color satellite image shows a resuspended ash cloud generated from high winds scouring the dry, unvegetated deposits in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. The cloud stretches across Shelikof Strait to western Kodiak Island.

Location: south-central Alaska, from Kodiak to Anchorage

Toklat River and bridge
Bridge over Toklat River
Bridge over Toklat River
Bridge over Toklat River

Bridge crossing over Toklat River

Bridge crossing over Toklat River

Toklat River view from a bridge
Toklat River
Toklat River
Toklat River

Toklat River view from a bridge

Toklat River view from a bridge

View of Toklat River from a bridge
View of Toklat River from a bridge
View of Toklat River from a bridge
View of Toklat River from a bridge

View of Toklat River from a bridge

Remnants of a spruce forest
Remnants of a spruce forest
Remnants of a spruce forest
Remnants of a spruce forest

Remnants of a spruce forest complex following a severe wildfire in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Wildfires are the dominant landscape-scale disturbance operating at annual time scales in Alaska, and fires play a major role in the rate and extent of vegetation growth and productivity of a site.

Remnants of a spruce forest complex following a severe wildfire in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Wildfires are the dominant landscape-scale disturbance operating at annual time scales in Alaska, and fires play a major role in the rate and extent of vegetation growth and productivity of a site.

Scientist lowering CTD equipment into the water
Scientist lowering CTD equipment into the water
Scientist lowering CTD equipment into the water
Scientist lowering CTD equipment into the water

Mayumi Arimitsu lowering the CTD equipment into the water.

Mayumi Arimitsu lowering the instrument to measure oceanographic data from the R/V Alaskan Gyre
Scientist lowering the CTD on the R/V Alaskan Gyre
Scientist lowering the CTD on the R/V Alaskan Gyre
Scientist lowering the CTD on the R/V Alaskan Gyre

Mayumi Arimitsu lowering the instrument to measure oceanographic data from the R/V Alaskan Gyre

Mayumi Arimitsu lowering the instrument to measure oceanographic data from the R/V Alaskan Gyre

Mayumi Arimitsu sorting through fish caught in the mid-water trawl on the R/V Alaskan Gyre
Mayumi Arimitsu sorting forage fish on the R/V Alaskan Gyre
Mayumi Arimitsu sorting forage fish on the R/V Alaskan Gyre
Mayumi Arimitsu sorting forage fish on the R/V Alaskan Gyre

Mayumi Arimitsu sorting through fish caught in the mid-water trawl on the R/V Alaskan Gyre

Mayumi Arimitsu sorting through fish caught in the mid-water trawl on the R/V Alaskan Gyre

Image: Examining 2008 Eruption of Okmok Volcano in Alaska
Examining 2008 Eruption of Okmok Volcano in Alaska
Examining 2008 Eruption of Okmok Volcano in Alaska
Examining 2008 Eruption of Okmok Volcano in Alaska

Professor Michael Ort (Northern Arizona University) and graduate student Joel Unema examine deposits from the 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano in Alaska as part of their research to reconstruct the complex history of the eruption.  Dr.

Professor Michael Ort (Northern Arizona University) and graduate student Joel Unema examine deposits from the 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano in Alaska as part of their research to reconstruct the complex history of the eruption.  Dr.

Scientist emptying the trawl contents in a large bucket in Prince William Sound
Scientist emptying the trawl contents in a large bucket
Scientist emptying the trawl contents in a large bucket
Scientist emptying the trawl contents in a large bucket

Mayumi Arimitsu emptying the trawl contents in a large bucket in Prince William Sound.

Mayumi Arimitsu emptying the trawl contents in a large bucket in Prince William Sound.

Two biologists sorting through invertebrates they collected from a nearby lake on the north slope of Alaska
Sorting through invertebrates from a north slope lake of Alaska
Sorting through invertebrates from a north slope lake of Alaska
Sorting through invertebrates from a north slope lake of Alaska

As part of the Changing Arctic Ecosystem project, two biologists sampling invertebrates near the Chipp River area.

As part of the Changing Arctic Ecosystem project, two biologists sampling invertebrates near the Chipp River area.

Ice wedge polygons on the north slope of Alaska
Ice wedge polygons on the north slope of Alaska
Ice wedge polygons on the north slope of Alaska
Ice wedge polygons on the north slope of Alaska

Ice wedge polygons near the Chipp River area on the north slope of Alaska

Ice wedge polygons near the Chipp River area on the north slope of Alaska

Three tents set up at the edge of the tundra on the north slope of Alaska
A north slope camp
A north slope camp
A north slope camp

An enhanced photo of camp on the north slope.

An enhanced photo of camp on the north slope.

White breasted bird with orange feet, black/brown back, short beak
Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy Turnstone

The avian paramyxovirus is found across the planet, infect wild and domestic birds, and sometimes lead to disease outbreaks, but according to a new study led by the USGS, wild ducks and shorebirds do not appear to carry these viruses, which can lead to Newcastle disease that sickens or kills poultry.

The avian paramyxovirus is found across the planet, infect wild and domestic birds, and sometimes lead to disease outbreaks, but according to a new study led by the USGS, wild ducks and shorebirds do not appear to carry these viruses, which can lead to Newcastle disease that sickens or kills poultry.

A shorebird chick on the tundra of the north slope of Alaska
Whimbrel chick on the Colville River Delta, Alaska
Whimbrel chick on the Colville River Delta, Alaska
Whimbrel chick on the Colville River Delta, Alaska

Whimbrel chick on the Colville River Delta, Alaska.

Image: Instrumentation Array, Beaver Creek Near Michael Lake, Alaska
Instrumentation Array, Beaver Creek Near Michael Lake, Alaska
Instrumentation Array, Beaver Creek Near Michael Lake, Alaska
Instrumentation Array, Beaver Creek Near Michael Lake, Alaska

Instrumentation array with a YSI multiparameter sonde, a dissolved CO2 sensor, and a CDOM sensor.

Instrumentation array with a YSI multiparameter sonde, a dissolved CO2 sensor, and a CDOM sensor.

Image: Instrumentation Array, Beaver Creek Above Victoria Creek, Alaska
Instrumentation Array, Beaver Creek Above Victoria Creek, Alaska
Instrumentation Array, Beaver Creek Above Victoria Creek, Alaska
Instrumentation Array, Beaver Creek Above Victoria Creek, Alaska

Instrumentation array with a YSI multiparameter sonde, a dissolved CO2 sensor, and a CDOM sensor.

Andy Reeves holding a Glaucous Gull in Barrow, Alaska
Andy Reeves Staff Photo
Andy Reeves Staff Photo
Andy Reeves Staff Photo

Andy Reeves is holding a Glaucous Gull that was capture, sampled for avian influenza and banded near Barrow, Alaska.

Andy Reeves is holding a Glaucous Gull that was capture, sampled for avian influenza and banded near Barrow, Alaska.

Two men on the tundra with equipment
Setting up GPS system before mapping Nome Creek Experimental Watershed
Setting up GPS system before mapping Nome Creek Experimental Watershed
Setting up GPS system before mapping Nome Creek Experimental Watershed

Josh Koch and Steve Jepsen set up a GPS system before starting a day of mapping in the Nome Creek Experimental Watershed.

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