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USGS research activities relevant to Alaska have yielded more than 9400 historical publications. This page features some of the most recent newsworthy research findings.

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Terrain, vegetation, and landscape evolution of the R4D research site, Brooks Range Foothills, Alaska

Maps of the vegetation and terrain of a 22 km2 area centered on the Department of Energy (DOE) R4D (Response, Resistance, Resilience to and Recovery from Disturbance in Arctic Ecosystems) study site in the Southern Foothills Physiographic Province of Alaska were made using integrated geobotanical mapping procedures and a geographic-information system. Typical land forms and surface f orms include
D.A. Walker, Emily F. Binnian, B. M. Evans, N.D. Lederer, E.A. Nordstrand, P.J. Webber

A comparison of instrumental dewatering methods for the separation and concentration of suspended sediment for subsequent trace element analysis

A comparison involving both field and laboratory trials was performed to evaluate the utility of two continuous-flow centrifuges and a tangential-flow filtration system for dewatering suspended sediments for subsequent trace element analysis. Although recovery efficiencies for the various devices differ, the analytical results from the separated suspended sediments indicate that any of the tested
A. J. Horowitz, K. A. Elrick, R.C. Hooper

Geologic setting, petrology, and age of Pliocene to Holocene volcanoes of the Stepovak Bay area, western Alaska Peninsula: A section in Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1988

Five volcanoes are situated north of Stepovak Bay on the western Alaska Peninsula; only one of these, Kupreanof volcano, had been reported prior to USGS reconnaissance geologic mapping of the area between 1982 and 1986. The volcanoes overlie sedimentary rocks of Eocene to late Miocene age and welded(?) tuff deposits of uncertain, but presumably late Tertiary, age. All five of the volcanoes are ali
Frederic H. Wilson

Creation of a full color geologic map by computer: A case history from the Port Moller project resource assessment, Alaska Peninsula: A section in Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1988

Graphics programs on computers can facilitate the compilation and production of geologic maps, including full color maps of publication quality. This paper describes the application of two different programs, GSMAP and ARC/INFO, to the production of a geologic map of the Port Meller and adjacent 1:250,000-scale quadrangles on the Alaska Peninsula. GSMAP was used at first because of easy digitizing
Frederic H. Wilson

Reproductive performance of Rio Grande wild turkeys

Frequency, magnitude, and timing of reproduction in Rio Grande Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) hens were studied in northeastern Colorado in 1986 and 1987. All adults (n = 12) and 95% (n = 20) of yearlings were known to attempt nesting. Adults initiated first nest attempts earlier than yearlings in 1987 but not 1986. Adults and yearlings did not differ in clutch size or nesting succes
Joel A. Schmutz, Clait E. Braun

Nest habitat use of Rio Grande wild turkeys

Nest habitat use of Rio Grande Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) was studied along the South Platte River in northeast Colorado in 1986-87. Thirty-three of 35 nests were in riparian habitats. Nests were either in western snowberry (Symphoricarpos occidentalis) (67%) or mixed forbs and grasses (33%). Early season nests were more likely to be in snowberry than late season nests. Nest sit
Joel A. Schmutz, Clait E. Braun, William F. Andelt

Continued studies on opiods and hibernation: Does the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) hibernate?

No abstract available.
David S. Bruce, Nancy K. Darling, Katheleen J. Seeland, Peter R. Oeltgen, Sita P. Nilekani, Steven C. Amstrup

Performance and utility of satellite telemetry during field studies of free-ranging polar bears in Alaska

Satellite telemetry technology has been used during field studies of polar bears in Alaska since 1985. A total of 109 Platform Transmitter Terminals (PTT) have been deployed on free-ranging female polar bears that seasonally inhabit waters adjacent to the Alaskan coast. The PTTs transmitted locational and sensor data to TIROS-N polar-orbiting satellites during a duty cycle of 12 hours on/60 hours
Gerald W. Garner, Steven C. Amstrup, David C. Douglas, Craig L. Gardner

Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) poisoning in a free-ranging polar bear

The bright, fluorescent pink-colored remains of a polar bear were found on an Alaskan island with the gravel and snow adjacent to the bear colored bright purple. Traces of fox urine and feces found nearby were also pink. The punk and purple colors were due to rhodamine B, and ethylene glycol (EG) was present in the soil under the carcass. Evidence is given to suggest the bear consumed a mixture of
Steven C. Amstrup, Craig L. Gardner, Kevin C. Myers, Frederick W. Oehme

Populations, productivity, and feeding habits of seabirds at Cape Thompson, Alaska: Final report

Investigations of seabird population sizes and breeding biology were conducted at Cape Thompson from 1959 to 1961 during pre-development studies associated with the Atomic through 1982, the Alaskan Program (OCSEAP) supported determine whether changes Energy Commission’s “Project Chariot.” From 1976 Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment efforts to recensus seabirds at Cape Thompson and h
Brian S. Fadely, John F. Piatt, Scott A. Hatch, David G. Roseneau

Techniques for shipboard surveys of marine birds

We describe shipboard and small boat techniques used by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska to survey marine birds at sea. The basis is a 10-min, 300-m-wide, strip transect taken from a platform moving at a constant speed in a constant direction. Special routines, such as instantaneous counts of traveling birds, are explained to help reduce biases caused by factors such as varying flight pa
Patrick J. Gould, Douglas J. Forsell

ODP investigates Indian Ocean origins

No abstract available.
F.M. Gradstein, J. Ludden
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