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Software intro.

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Evolutionary Ecology Software

The programs perform input file formation, distribution visualization, individual-based dynamic population simulation, pedigree accuracy assessment, effective population si

New York Streamflow Estimation Tool

The New York Streamflow Estimation Tool produces a complete estimated daily mean time series from which daily flow statistics can be estimated and a means for quantitative flow assessments at ungaged locations to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters.

The Massachusetts Reservoir Simulation Tool

The Massachusetts Reservoir Simulation Tool is a screening-level model developed to examine the effects of reservoirs on the natural streamflow of streams in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Reservoir Simulation Tool simulates the daily water balance equation of a water supply reservoir and estimates the magnitude, frequency and duration of spillage below the dam over the period of record.


Estimates the total number of species from species presence-absence data on multiple sample sites or occasions using model M(h) from program CAPTURE.


Estimates patch occupancy rates and related parameters.


Computes estimates of survival and capture probability using capture-recapture data with "robust-design" models and recoveries.


Tests the null hypothesis that two samples of recoveries belong to the same bivariate distribution.


Computes estimates of survival and recovery rates for 2-age class band-recovery data.


Computes estimates of survival and capture probability for open capture-recapture models when sex is not allways known.


An R package to estimate nest abundance using a state-space superpopulation capture-recapture approach in which inference about detection proability is based on the age at first detection, as opposed to the sequence of re-detections in standard capture-recapture models.

HyDroDSS: Hydrologic Drought Decision Support System - Software page

The HyDroDSS is designed to provide water managers with risk-based information for balancing water-supply needs and aquatic-habitat protection goals to mitigate potential effects of hydrologic drought.


Generates capture-history data for given s,theta,p,c.

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