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Staff of USGS Science Centers in Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publicly available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Short descriptions and links to Data Releases produced by Region 7 Science Centers are shown below.

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Characteristics of Dust Associated with the Development of Rapidly Progressive Pneumoconiosis and Progressive Massive Fibrosis

Research and surveillance reports have documented a significant increase in coal workers' pneumoconiosis, including the most severe forms of progressive massive fibrosis and rapidly progressive pneumoconiosis in U.S. coal miners, particularly those in Appalachian coalfields. Several possible explanations for these observations include excessive exposures to total respirable dust, increased exposur

Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey data, Silverton, Colorado, 2019

Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and magnetic survey data were collected during April and May 2019 along 1,467 line-kilometers in the San Juan-Silverton Caldera complex, Colorado, in the Southern Rocky Mountain Volcanic Field. Data were acquired by Geotech, Ltd. with the versatile time-domain electromagnetic (VTEM-ET) system together with a Geometrics optically pumped cesium vapor magnetometer. The

Data Release for Holocene Paleohydrology from alpine lake sediment, Emerald Lake, Wasatch Plateau of central Utah, USA

Holocene sediments at Emerald Lake in central Utah (3090 m a.s.l), document the paleohydroclimatic history of the western Upper Colorado River headwater region. Multi-proxy analyses of sediment composition, mineralogy, and stable isotopes of carbonate (d18O and d13C) show changes in effective moisture for the past ca. 10,000 years at millennial to decadal timescales. Emerald Lake originated as a s

GIS Data for Geologic Map of Precambrian Metasedimentary Rocks of The Medicine Bow Mountains, Albany and Carbon Counties, Wyoming

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides a digital geospatial database for the geologic map of Precambrian metasedimentary rocks of the Medicine Bow Mountains, Albany and Carbon Counties, Wyoming (Houston and Karlstrom, 1992). Attribute tables and geospatial features (points, lines and polygons) conform to the Geologic Map Schema (GeMS, 2020) and represent the geologic map plates a

Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) scale of effect for Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) population trends in southwest Wyoming, USA 2003-2019

The distance within which populations respond to features in a landscape (scale of effect) can indicate how disturbance and management may affect wildlife. Using annual counts of male Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) attending 584 leks in southwest Wyoming (2003-2019) and estimates of sagebrush cover from the Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP), we used

Simulated annual area burned for eleven extensively forested ecoregions in the western United States for 1980 - 2099

This data release provides output produced by a statistical, aridity threshold fire model for 11 extensively forested ecoregions in the western United States. We identified thresholds in fire-season climate water deficit (FSCWD) that distinguish years with limited, moderate, and extensive area burned for each ecoregion. We developed a new area burned model using these relationships and used it to

Gravity data in the Wet Mountains area, southcentral Colorado, 2021 to 2022

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected gravity data in the Wet Mountains, CO from September 2021 to July 2022 to compliment newly collected airborne magnetic data for surface and subsurface geologic mapping. A total of 261 measurements were collected across two Ediacaran-Ordovician alkaline complexes (Gem Park and McClure Mountain) and gabbroic outcrops suspected Ediacaran-Ordovician in age.

Magnetic susceptibility measurements in the Wet Mountains, Colorado, 2021 to 2022

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected rock magnetic susceptibility measurements to understand the causative sources of airborne magnetic survey anomalies in the Wet Mountains, Colorado. A total of 808 measurements were collected over 50 locations from August 2021 to June 2022 on rocks ranging from Paleoproterozoic to Oligocene age. These measurements aid the interpretation of newly collected

U.S. range-wide spatial prediction layers of lek persistence probabilities for greater sage-grouse

This dataset contains two predictive lek (breeding site) persistence raster layers covering the U.S. greater sage-grouse distribution. In the United States, locations where males display and breed with females (i.e., leks) are often monitored annually by state wildlife agencies, providing valuable information on the persistence of birds in the surrounding areas. A U.S. range-wide lek database was

Training dataset for NABat Machine Learning V1.0

Bats play crucial ecological roles and provide valuable ecosystem services, yet many populations face serious threats from various ecological disturbances. The North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) aims to assess status and trends of bat populations while developing innovative and community-driven conservation solutions using its unique data and technology infrastructure. To support scalab

Occurrence data and models for woody riparian native and invasive plant species in the conterminous western USA

We developed habitat suitability models for occurrence of three invasive riparian woody plant taxa of concern to Department of Interior land management agencies, as well as for three dominant native riparian woody taxa. Study taxa were non-native tamarisk (saltcedar; Tamarix ramosissima, Tamarix chinensis), Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) and Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila) and native plains/Fr

Sr and U concentrations and radiogenic isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr, 234U/238U) of thermal waters, streamflow, travertine, and rock samples along with U-Th disequilibrium ages for travertine deposits from various locations in Yellowstone National Park,

This data provides locations and technical specifications of legacy and current versions of the United States Wind Turbines database.  Almost all of which are utility-scale. Utility-scale turbines are ones that generate power and feed it into the grid, supplying a utility with energy. They are usually much larger than turbines that would feed a homeowner or business.  Each release, typically done
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