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Staff of USGS Science Centers in Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publicly available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Short descriptions and links to Data Releases produced by Region 7 Science Centers are shown below.

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Detections of burros from helicopter aerial surveys in the southwestern US, 2016-2018

Feral burros (Equus asinus) and horses (E. ferus caballus) inhabiting public land in the western United States are intended to be managed at population levels established to promote a thriving, natural ecological balance. Like many large ungulate populations, management agencies employ aerial surveys to obtain estimates of horse and burro population sizes. Double-observer sightability (MDS) models

Occurrence of plants in plots along the Gunnison River, Colorado, 1990-2017

In 1990 the US Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center and National Park Service Water Resources Division established 133 permanent 1meter (m) X 2 m plots along the Gunnison River near Warner Point in Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. A one-dimensional hydraulic model was calibrated to determine the inundation necessary to inundate each plot, and this can be combined with daily flo

Airborne horizontal magnetic gradient and radiometric survey over parts of southeast Missouri, southern Illinois and western Kentucky - The Gap survey, 2021

This publication provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution horizontal magnetic gradient and radiometric survey over an area of southeast Missouri, southern Illinois, and western Kentucky. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the Missouri Geological Survey as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI) effort (Day, 2019). Earth MRI

Data Release for Luminescence: Geologic map of Scoggins Dam, Henry Hagg Lake, and the Scoggins Valley area, Washington County, Oregon

The Bureau of Reclamation's Scoggins Dam lies within the Gales Creek fault zone southwest of Hillsboro, Oregon. Recent geologic mapping shows the dam to overlie a potentially active strand of the fault. This report describes the geology of the dam in detail and confirms that the dam overlies a strand of the Gales Creek fault. The report documents small faults in the reservoir and off the north end

Data on deer mouse and vole plague vaccination and captures in central New Mexico, 2019-2021

Our study was conducted from 2019-2021 in Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico. We live trapped deer mice and two species of voles in Sherman traps, mostly at nighttime, from June-October 2019 and June-September 2020-2021. We marked each rodent with ear tags and a passive integrated transponder for permanent identification. We used an F1 antigen vaccine to vaccinate some individuals against plague.

Geochemical reanalysis of rock and sediment samples from the Middle Fork and South Fork of the Salmon River collected in the mid-1960s through the early 1970s as part of the Idaho Primitive Area studies

This data release is a geochemical data set from the reanalysis of 23 rock and 85 sediment samples collected between 1966 and 1970 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for a series of studies investigating the mineral resources of the Idaho Primitive Area (Cater et al., 1973). The samples are from the upper Middle Fork Salmon River and the South Fork Salmon River, including the tributaries of East

Geochemistry and Environmental Tracer Data for Groundwater, Stream Water, and Soil and Sediment from North Quartz Creek, Colorado

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains data from stream water, groundwater, and soil samples collected in 2019 and 2020 in the North Quartz Creek watershed in central Colorado. Fourteen streambank wells were installed in pairs at seven locations in August 2020 to capture the emerging groundwater from the left bank and right banks (relative to downstream-facing direction) and a sy

Greater sage-grouse population structure and connectivity data to inform the development of hierarchical population units (western United States)

We present five hierarchical demarcations of greater sage-grouse population structure, representing the spatial structure of populations which can exist due to differences in dispersal abilities, landscape configurations, and mating behavior. These demarcations represent Thiessen polygons of graph constructs (least-cost path [LCP] minimum spanning trees [MST; LCP-MST]) representing greater sage-gr

Magnetic susceptibility measurements on hydrothermally altered rocks in the Silverton caldera, southwest Colorado

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected magnetic susceptibility measurements on rock outcrops to help understand causative sources of magnetic survey anomalies in the Silverton caldera region, southwest Colorado. A total of 1,400 measurements of magnetic susceptibility from 87 locations have been conducted on Paleogene volcanic and plutonic rocks that have been hydrothermally altered. Magnetic

Data release for geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks in the Southern Rocky Mountains and Taos Plateau volcanic fields and other Oligocene to Pleistocene volcanic rocks within the southern San Luis Basin and San Juan Mountains, southern Colora

The dataset includes whole-rock geochemistry and 40Ar-39Ar geochronology for Pleistocene to Oligocene volcanic and intrusive rocks. These data support figures and tables in days 2 and 3 of the Field-trip guide to continental arc to rift volcanism of the southern Rocky Mountains-Southern Rocky Mountain, Taos Plateau, and Jemez Mountains volcanic fields of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico (

Strontium isotopic data from the Mount Emmons-Redwell area, Crested Butte, Colorado

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains strontium isotopic data from water and rock samples collected between 2000 and 2019 from the Mount Emmons area, central Colorado. The data include strontium isotopic compositions, 87Sr/86Sr, for surface- and groundwater samples collected from streams, springs, draining mines, piezometers, and drill holes and for leachates of rock samples col

Data on how Lepidium draba responds to damage of clones

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to test the ability of the invasive clonal plant, Lepidium draba, to cope with damage to local and different ramets. The experiment was arranged in a fully factorial split-pot design that was blocked by bench position and provenance population of the plant. Plants were grown in 'split pots', where two adjoining pots were glued together with a small opening for
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