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Staff of USGS Science Centers in Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publicly available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Short descriptions and links to Data Releases produced by Region 7 Science Centers are shown below.

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Activity and habitat selection by female desert tortoises in Mojave National Preserve, California USA 2011 - 2013

These data refer to habitat and activity data collected for female desert tortoises being monitored as part of a study on juvenile rearing and translocation for population augmentation purposes. The females were affixed with radio transmitters and radio tracked at least monthly to maintain knowledge of whereabouts. During those tracking events activity data were collected (surface or in burrows) a

Demographic data for toxicant based trial eradication of brown treesnakes in the USGS Closed Population on Guam, 2016 - 2020

These data are mark-recapture data procured from conducting nocturnal visual surveys and live lure based trapping for brown treesnakes in the 5 hectare enclosure called USGS Closed Population or Northwest Field North (NWFN). In addition, tissue samples were collected from brown treesnakes in order to build genetic relationships among resident individuals. The population was undergoing acetaminophe

Farmington Lake Sediment Descriptions, Total Sediment Chemistry, and Batch Experiment Chemistry

These datasets provide information about the physical properties, total sediment chemistry, and batch experiment chemistry (to evaluate element mobility) of sediment cores from the Farmington Lake reservoir in Farmington, NM. The sediment cores were collected in November 2019.

North American Grid-Based Offshore Sampling Frames

This sampling frame is a set of grid-based, finite-area frames spanning the offshore areas surrounding Canada, the United States, and Mexico, and is intended for use with the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat). NABat is a continental collaboration including state and provincial, federal, and local agencies intended to standardize the collection and storage of bat data. Alaskan and Canad

Bat, insect, and bird activity at a wind turbine in Colorado experimentally illuminated with ultraviolet light at night in 2019 to try and deter bats

Certain species of tree-dwelling bats die after colliding with the moving blades of industrial wind turbines. Based on the speculation that these bats approach turbines after visually mistaking them for trees, we tested a potential light-based deterrence method. It is likely that the affected bats see ultraviolet (UV) light at low intensities. Here, we present the results of a multi-month experime

U-Pb zircon data for: Upper Triassic and Jurassic sedimentary rocks from Sonora, MX

This laser ablation ICPMS U-Pb zircon data set supports stratigraphic, biostratigraphic and age interpretations of the of the fossil-plant-bearing El Game?o Formation of west-central Sonora, Mexico and the potentially age-correlative fossil-plant-bearing Santa Clara and Coyote formations of southeastern Sonora, Mexico. The zircon data provides minimum age constraints (maximum depositional ages) fo

Electron Probe Microanalyses of apatite, rutile, and titanite from stream sediment and rock samples in the eastern Tanacross quadrangle, eastern Alaska

The exploration for porphyry deposits in some parts of Alaska may require unconventional exploration geochemical methods, depending on type of cover. The Taurus deposit and others in the region are mostly concealed by residual soils that in part include ash and loess, and therefore traditional stream sediment samples typically contain subdued geochemical signatures. Indicator mineral studies inclu

In Vitro Bioaccessibility Extractions from Previously Collected Uranium Mineral Deposit Samples, 1971 and 1981, Southwestern U.S

This data set provides total element concentration and simulated lung and gastric fluid bioaccessibility from previously collected Uranium mineral deposit samples (1971 and 1981, Southwestern U.S.) exploring possible exposures to other hazardous trace metals. Elevated total as well as simulated gastric and lung fluid concentrations were observed for arsenic, cobalt, manganese, thallium, vanadium a

Sr-, U-, H- and O-isotope data used to evaluate water sources in the Potrero Creek Wetlands, Upper Santa Cruz Basin, southern Arizona, USA

This data release includes a table of 87Sr/86Sr, 234U/238U, δ2H, and δ18O isotope data used to evaluate groundwater- and surface-water-sources contributing to water in perennial wetlands near the mouth of Potrero Creek within the Upper Santa Cruz Basin near Nogales, AZ. Interpretations of those data are discussed in the pamphlet accompanying the USGS Scientific Investigations Map SIM-XXXXX

Black-tailed prairie dog capture data from plots treated and not treated with oral plague vaccine from 2013-2017 in Montana

Oral sylvatic plague vaccine baits (SPV) and placebo baits were distributed once annually from 2013-2016 on treated and non-treated paired plots from 2013-2016. Black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD) were live-trapped and permanently marked with passive integrated transponders and ear tags on 4 pairs of plots each year from 2013-2017 to provide capture/recapture data for use in estimating BTPD survival.

Black-tailed prairie dog movement and bait uptake data from 2013-2017 in Montana

Oral sylvatic plague vaccine baits (SPV) and placebo baits, each containing Rhodamine B dye biomarker, were distributed once annually from 2013-2016 on treated and non-treated paired plots from 2013-2016. Black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD) were live-trapped and permanently marked with passive integrated transponders and ear tags on 4 pairs of plots each year from 2013-2017 to provide capture/recaptu

Hatchling Growth Experiment Dataset from Invasive Burmese Pythons Captured in 2015 in Southern Florida

This dataset contains information about 58 hatchling Burmese pythons collected in 2015 from an invasive population in southern Florida. These hatchlings were used in an experiment that assessed the effects of food availability, clutch, and sex on their growth in captivity. The hatchlings were collected as eggs from the nests of two wild pythons, assigned to High or Low feeding treatments, and thei
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