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Staff of USGS Science Centers in Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publicly available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Short descriptions and links to Data Releases produced by Region 7 Science Centers are shown below.

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Simulation to evaluate response of population models to annual trends in detectability

In 'Simulation to evaluate response of population models to annual trends in detectability', we provide data and R code necessary to create simulation scenarios and estimate trends with different population models (Monroe et al. 2019). Literature cited: Monroe, A. P., G. T. Wann, C. L. Aldridge, and P. S. Coates. 2019. The importance of simulation assumptions when evaluating detectability in p

Croton setiger predators, herbivores, and damage collected in California 2013-2014

A pollen addition experiment was conducted on the leaves of Croton setiger, a Californian forb. Pollen was added to leaves of randomly selected plants, and control plants had no pollen added. Over 2013 and 2014 the number of predatory and herbivorous insects were counted on each plant, and the number of damaged leaves and plant size were measured.

Select well locations, construction data and groundwater-level measurements used to estimate 2016 groundwater-level contours in the Santa Fe Group Aquifer System in the Albuquerque Area, Central New Mexico

This tabular dataset contains the location and construction information of select wells in the Albuquerque area, central New Mexico, and groundwater-level measurements at those wells from 2014 to 2018. Wells in this dataset are screened or assumed to be screened in the production zone (generally the interval of the aquifer where production wells are screened) of the Santa Fe Group aquifer system.

Habitat characterization around standard brown treesnake traps on Guam, 2004 - 2017

Data were collected in association with locations of standard brown treesnake traps on Guam at location prior to suppression or control efforts and after control had occurred. In all cases study sites were closed or semi-closed populations of brown treesnakes. Habitat data focused on type and structure of the habitat within 10-m of the trap.

Carbonatite whole-rock and calcite geochemistry from the Bear Lodge alkaline complex, Wyoming and Mountain Pass mine, California

Whole-rock and calcite geochemical data are reported for twelve carbonatite samples collected from the Bear Lodge alkaline complex, Wyoming and from the Mountain Pass mine, California. Calcite geochemical data was collected using electron microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analyses. Reported whole-rock data was measured by inductively coupled pla

Great Dismal Swamp field measurements for aboveground and belowground biomass

Plot-level field data were collected in the summer of 2014 to estimate aboveground and belowground biomass in the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge and Dismal Swamp State Park in North Carolina and Virginia. Data were collected at 85 plots. The location of the center of each plot was recorded with a Trimble ProXH global positioning system (GPS) and differentially corrected. Data files in

Crustal Architecture Beneath the Southern Midcontinent (USA) -- Data Grids and 3D Geophysical Models

Regional grid files and 3D voxel models were used to study crustal architecture beneath the Southern Midcontinent (USA) by McCafferty and others (2019). The study covered a rectangular, multi-state area of 924 by 924 kilometers centered on Missouri, and a corresponding volume extending from the topographic surface to a depth of 50 kilometers below sea level. The grid files consist of surface grids

Laboratory Incubation results from 2015 for bacterial cell counts, carbon use efficiency, growth efficiency, and dissolved organic matter chemistry from four glacier outflows and four rock glacier outflows in Colorado

Bacterial Data include results of incubations of lakewater bacteria with dissolved organic matter extracted from Colorado glacier or rock glacier outflows in 2015. Cells were counted pre- and post- incubations. The "Counts" tab is the number of cells counted in each view of the microscope using the acridine orange method. "C Calculations" tab is the calculation of carbon as bacterial biomass from

Structural geologic orientation data for primarily Proterozoic aged rocks, eastern-central Rocky Mountain Front Range, Colorado

This data release consists of point data digitized from structural geologic orientation symbols consisting of mostly foliations and lineations. The data comes from primarily Proterozoic aged rocks in the eastern-central Rocky Mountain Front Range of Colorado. Compilation of the data is from twenty-three geologic maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Colorado Geological Survey betwee

Measurements of plant abundance with reference to dominant plants in Illinois wetlands

Data were collected on plant abundance in Illinois with the goal of determining correlations between the abundance of dominant plant taxa and other plant species.

Measurements of milkweeds and associated arthropods at Hastings Preserve, California in 2013

Monthly measurements of milkweed stems were made in 2013 at Hastings Natural History Reservation. At the same time, arthropod communities were measured associated with each milkweed stem. Treatments were conducted in which a subset of milkweed stems were damaged each month.

AZ Winter Sparrow Transect Survey Data 1999 to 2005

This dataset provides the winter bird transect survey data collected on seven sites in southeastern Arizona during the winters (January - March) of 1999-2001; and for two of those seven sites during the winters of 2003-2005.
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