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Publications from USGS science centers throughout the Southeast Region.

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Geology and ground-water resources of the Big Spring area, Texas

This report gives the principal results of an investigation of ground water in the Big Spring area, Texas. Big Spring, the county seat of Howard County, has an estimated population of about 16,000. It is situated on the Texas & Pacific Ry. and United States Highway No. 80 in western Texas, about 280 miles west of Fort Worth and along the boundary between the Edwards Plateau and the High Plains. Im
Penn Poore Livingston, Robert R. Bennett

Texas floods of 1938 and 1939

In January, June, and July 1938, and June 1939 parts of Texas experienced floods that exceeded previously recorded stages at many places and that were unusually high over reaches of several hundred miles on the streams of the State. This report presents records of precipitation at several hundred places; 10 isohyetal maps; records of peak stages and discharges and of daily mean discharges during t
Seth D. Breeding, Tate Dalrymple

Surface water resources of Iowa for the period October 1, 1940 to September 30, 1942

The State and Federal cooperative program for the systematic collection of stream-flow records in Iowa was initiated in L914, although a few records were obtained by special arrangements during an earlier period. Since the beginning of the cooperative program measurements of stage or discharge have been obtained at about 100 stations on Iowa streams and lakes for periods of various lengths. The lo
Lawrence C. Crawford

Mill Race mica mine, Avery County, North Carolina

No abstract available.
J.J. Page, V.C. Fryklund, J. C. Olson, W. R. Griffitts, J.R. Wolfe

Summaries of yearly and flood flow relating to Iowa streams 1873-1940

As a result of the need for basic data and the lack of a current and convenient summary concerning the surface-water resources of lown, a synoptic inventory has been prepared as a part of the present State-wide program which is made possible by State and Federal cooperative action. These hydrologic data are assembled in abbreviated form for the convenient* of the public and in order that a current
Lawrence C. Crawford

Geology and ground-water resources of the Lufkin area, Texas

This report covers Angelina County, Texas, of which Lufkin is the county seat, and parts of Nacogdoches and other adjacent counties. The area is underlain by a series of sands, clays, and shales of Eocene age that dip, in general, southward at an angle a little greater than that of the land surface, which also slopes southward, thus creating favorable artesian conditions. The formations cropping o
Walter N. White, A.N. Sayre, J.F. Heuser

Geology and ground-water resources of the Balmorhea area, western Texas

Balmorhea is the center of a thriving farming community, the lands of which are irrigated with water derived chiefly from large springs but partly from the storm flow of Toyah Creek. The storm flow of the creek and a part of the winter flow of the springs is stored in a reservoir near Balmorhea and used later to supplement the flow of the springs. The present investigation was made to determine th
Walter N. White, H. S. Gale, S. Spencer Nye

Summary of records of surface waters of Texas, 1898-1937

The first gaging station In Texas urns established on the Rio Grande at El Paso on May 10, 1889, under the provisions of the Act of Congress of October 2, 1888, which authorized the organization of the Irrigation Survey by the United States Geological Survey. A few miscellaneous measurements of streams In central Texas, between Del Rio and Austin, were made, by C. C. Babb of the Geological Survey
Clarence E. Ellsworth
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