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Potentiometric maps and ground-water-level data for the industrial area, northwest of Delaware City, Delaware

Potentiometric maps of the water-table aquifer in the spring and fall of 1993 in the industrial area northwest of Delaware City, Delaware, are presented. The maps are based on continuously recorded ground-water-level data collected at eight wells screened in the water-table aquifer from October 15, 1993 through November 8, 1994. These data are presented on a 33" by 44" plate. The U.S. Army Corps o
Colleen A. Donnelly, Kurt C. Hinaman

Low-flow characteristics of streams in Maryland and Delaware

Hydrologic information on the variability of streamflow during low-flow periods is needed for the effective management of surface-water resources in Maryland and Delaware. Low-flow characteristics derived from streamflow under natural conditions are presented for 94 continuousrecord gaging stations in Maryland, Delaware, and surrounding States, and for 131 low-flow partial-record gaging stations i
David H. Carpenter, Donald C. Hayes

Estimated hydrologic characteristics of shallow aquifer systems in the Valley and Ridge, the Blue Ridge, and the Piedmont Physiographic Provinces based on analysis of streamflow recession and base flow

Inferences are drawn about properties of aquifer systems from the interpretation of streamflow records in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge, Piedmont, and Blue Ridge physiographic provinces. The analysis is divided into two parts--analysis of streamflow recession and base-flow analysis. Analysis of recession yields information about aquifer diffusivity and variation in specific yield. Base-flow ana
A. T. Rutledge, T. O. Mesko

40Ar/39Ar whole-rock data constraints on Acadian diagenesis and Alleghanian cleavage in the Martinsburg formation, eastern Pennsylvania

A comparison of 40Ar/39Ar age spectra of whole-rock mudstone and slate samples from the Ordovician Martinsburg Formation at Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania and stratigraphic and thermal constraints support Alleghanian age for regional slaty cleavage and a late Acadian age for diagenesis in these rocks. Age spectra from mud-stones have a sigmodal shape, with slopes that climb steeply from apparent Mesozoi
R. P. Wintsch, Michael J. Kunk, Jack B. Epstein

January 1996 floods deliver large loads of nutrients and sediment to the Chesapeake Bay

The Blizzard of 1996 struck the Mid-Atlantic region in January, depositing a record amount of snowfall. Within two weeks of the paralyzing blizzard, warm and extremely humid air entered the region, followed by a major rainstorm. The combination of warm, humid air and heavy rainfall melted the snow at an unprecedented rate. In just over one day, two to five inches of water from snowmelt combined wi
Linda D. Zynjuk, Brenda Feit Majedi

Dependence of waterbirds and shorebirds on shallow-water habitats in the Mid-Atlantic coastal region: An ecological profile and management recommendations

Waterbirds (waterfowl, colonially nesting wading and seabirds, ospreys [Pandion haliaetus], and bald eagles [Haliaeetus leucocephalus]) and shorebirds (sandpipers, plovers, and relatives) may constitute a large fraction of the toplevel carnivore trophic component in many shallow-water areas of the mid-Atlantic region. The large biomass of many species (>1 kg body mass for the two raptors and some
R.M. Erwin

Water resources data Maryland and Delaware, water year 1995, Volume 2: Ground-water data

No abstract available.
M.J. Smigaj, R.W. Saffer

Water resources data Maryland and Delaware, water year 1995, Volume 1. Surface-water data

No abstract available.
R.W. James, R.H. Simmons, B.M. Helinsky

Growth and mortaility rates of larval American shad, Alosa sapidissima, at different salinities

The tolerance of post yolk-sac American shad Alosa sapidissima larvae to salinities typically seen in estuaries was assessed experimentally. Sixteen-day-old Hudson River (experiment I) and 35-d-old Delaware River (experiment II) larvae were held for 8 d and 9 d respectively in low (0–1‰), medium (9–11‰), and highly (19–20‰) brackish water, and mortality and growth rates were measured. Growth rates
K.E. Limburg, R. M. Ross

Sensitivity of water resources in the Delaware River basin to climate variability and change

Because of the greenhouse effect, projected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels might cause global warming, which in turn could result in changes in precipitation patterns and evapotranspiration and in increases in sea level. This report describes the greenhouse effect; discusses the problems and uncertainties associated with the detection, prediction, and effects of climate change; and
Mark A. Ayers, David M. Wolock, Gregory J. McCabe, Lauren E. Hay, Gary D. Tasker

Documentation of hydrochemical-facies data and ranges of dissolved-solids concentrations for the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina supplement to Professional paper 1404-L

Hydrochemical-facies data and ranges of dissolved- solids concentrations used to construct hydrochemical-facies maps and sections for U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1404-L have not been previously published. In this report, the data are contained on a 3-1/2 high-density diskette in a file presented in American International Standard Code for Information Exchange (ASCII) format. The file
Harold Meisler, L. L. Knobel

Water resources data Maryland and Delaware, water year 1994, Volume 2: Ground-water data

No abstract available.
M.J. Smigaj, R.W. Saffer, J.L. Tegeler
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