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Most StreamStats publications are published by individual Water Science Centers across the nation as StreamStats for each State/Center/Region is developed. Available publications are listed on this page. For a newly published, comprehensive summary of the history of StreamStats click the button below.

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Estimating flow-duration statistics and low-flow frequencies for selected streams and the implementation of a StreamStats web-based tool in Puerto Rico

Daily mean streamflow data from 28 U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations in Puerto Rico with 10 or more years of unregulated or minimally affected flow record through water year 2018 were used to develop regression equations for flow duration and annual n-day low-flow statistics. Ordinary least-squares and generalized least-squares regression techniques were used to develop regional re
Tara Williams-Sether

Magnitude and frequency of floods in the alluvial plain of the lower Mississippi River, 2017

Annual exceedance probability flows at gaged locations and regional regression equations used to estimate annual exceedance probability flows at ungaged locations were developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Mississippi Department of Transportation, to improve flood-frequency estimates at rural streams in the alluvial plain of the lower Mississippi River. These estimates w
Brandon T. Anderson

Estimating flood magnitude and frequency on gaged and ungaged streams in Maine

Accurate estimates of flood frequency and magnitude on rivers and streams in Maine are a key component of effective flood risk management, flood mitigation, and flood recovery programs for the State. Flood-frequency estimates are published here for 148 streamgages in and adjacent to Maine. Equations are provided for users to compute flood-frequency estimates at any location on a stream that does n
Pamela J. Lombard, Glenn A. Hodgkins

Estimating flood magnitude and frequency on streams and rivers in Connecticut, based on data through water year 2015

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Transportation, updated flood-frequency estimates with 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, 200-, and 500-year recurrence intervals, respectively) for 141 streamgages in Connecticut and 11 streamgages in adjacent States using annual peak-flow data
Elizabeth A. Ahearn, Glenn A. Hodgkins

Magnitude and frequency of floods in Alabama, 2015

To improve flood-frequency estimates at rural streams in Alabama, annual exceedance probability flows at gaged locations and regional regression equations used to estimate annual exceedance probability flows at ungaged locations were developed by using current geospatial data, new analytical methods, and annual peak-flow data through September 2015 at 242 streamgages in Alabama and surrounding Sta
Brandon T. Anderson

Methods for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak streamflows for unregulated streams in Oklahoma developed by using streamflow data through 2017

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, updated peak-streamflow regression equations for estimating flows with annual exceedance probabilities from 50 to 0.2 percent for the State of Oklahoma. These regression equations incorporate basin characteristics to estimate peak-streamflow magnitude and frequency throughout the State by use of a gen
Jason M. Lewis, Shelby L. Hunter, L.G. Labriola

Flood-frequency estimates for Ohio streamgages based on data through water year 2015 and techniques for estimating flood-frequency characteristics of rural, unregulated Ohio streams

Estimates of the magnitudes of annual peak streamflows with annual exceedance probabilities of 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.04, 0.02, 0.01, and 0.002 (equivalent to recurrence intervals of 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 500-years, respectively) were computed for 391 streamgages in Ohio and adjacent states based on data collected through the 2015 water year. The flood-frequency estimates were computed follow
G.F. Koltun

Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak flows on small streams in the binational U.S. and Canadian Lake of the Woods–Rainy River Basin upstream from Kenora, Ontario, Canada, based on data through water year 2013

A binational study was initiated to update statistical equations that are used to estimate the magnitude and frequency of peak flows on streams in Manitoba and Ontario, Canada, and Minnesota that are contained within the binational Lake of the Woods–Rainy River Basin upstream from Kenora, Ontario, Canada. Hydraulic engineers use peak streamflow data to inform designs of bridges, culverts, and dams
Christopher A. Sanocki, Tara J. Williams-Sether, Peter A. Steeves, Victoria G. Christensen

Flood frequency of rural streams in Mississippi, 2013

To improve flood-frequency estimates at rural streams in Mississippi, annual exceedance probability flows at gaged streams and regional regression equations used to estimate annual exceedance probability flows for ungaged streams were developed by using current geospatial data, new analytical methods, and annual peak-flow data through the 2013 water year. The regional regression equations were der
Brandon T. Anderson

Comparison of regression relations of bankfull discharge and channel geometry for the glaciated and nonglaciated settings of Pennsylvania and southern New York

Streambank erosion in areas of past glacial deposition has been shown to be a dominant source of sediment to streams. Water resource managers are faced with the challenge of developing long and short term (emergency) stream restoration efforts that rely on the most suitable channel geometry for project design. A geomorphic dataset of new (2016, n=5) and previous (1999–2006, n=96) estimates of bank
John W. Clune, Jeffrey J. Chaplin, Kirk E. White

Guidelines for determining flood flow frequency — Bulletin 17C

Accurate estimates of flood frequency and magnitude are a key component of any effective nationwide flood risk management and flood damage abatement program. In addition to accuracy, methods for estimating flood risk must be uniformly and consistently applied because management of the Nation’s water and related land resources is a collaborative effort involving multiple actors including most level
John F. England, Timothy A. Cohn, Beth A. Faber, Jery R. Stedinger, Wilbert O. Thomas, Andrea G. Veilleux, Julie E. Kiang, Robert R. Mason,

StreamStats, version 4

IntroductionStreamStats version 4, available at, is a map-based web application that provides an assortment of analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and engineering purposes. Developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the primary purpose of StreamStats is to provide estimates of streamflow statistics for user-selected ungage
Kernell G. Ries, Jeremy K. Newson, Martyn J. Smith, John D. Guthrie, Peter A. Steeves, Tana Haluska, Katharine Kolb, Ryan F. Thompson, Richard D. Santoro, Hans W. Vraga
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