Topographic Maps
Create custom USGS topographic maps on demand using the best available data from The National Map
Explore Historical USGS Topographic Maps
The Historical Topographic Map Collection contains USGS topographic maps published 1884 to 2006
Topographic maps became a signature product of the USGS because the public found them - then and now - to be a critical and versatile tool for viewing the nation's vast landscape.
A Brief Overview of USGS Topographic Maps
USGS topographic maps fall into three primary product categories:
1. The Historical Topographic Map Collection (HTMC) is the set of scanned images of USGS topographic quadrangle maps originally published as paper documents in the period 1884-2006. Visit Historical Topographic Maps - Preserving the Past for more information.
2. US Topo is the current USGS topographic map series for the Nation. These are modeled on the legacy 7.5-minute maps, but are mass-produced from GIS databases of The National Map and published as digital documents. Please visit US Topo: Maps for America for full details.
The US Topo Program will pause briefly in 2025 for a major system and software upgrade. Patience is appreciated during this time as services are improved. Map updates will resume after the upgrades are complete, and updates will be posted to this page. For immediate access to topographic maps, OnDemand Topos remain available through the topoBuilder application. Click here to learn about topoBuilder and OnDemand Topos.
3. OnDemand Topos are USGS-style topographic maps created using the topoBuilder application. These maps are generated upon request using the best available data from The National Map and offer customizations such as choice of format, area of interest, and National Map content. Learn more at the topoBuilder landing page.