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US non-native plant occurrence and abundance data and distribution maps for Eastern US species with current and future climate

May 3, 2024

This is a dataset containing aggregated non-native plant occurrence and abundance data for the contiguous United States. We used these data to develop habitat suitability models for species found in the Eastern United States using locations with 5% cover or greater. We adapted the INHABIT modeling workflow (Young et al. 2020), using a consistent set of climatic predictors that were important in the INHABIT models. We developed models using five algorithms with VisTrails: Software for Assisted Habitat Modeling [SAHM 2.2.2]. We accounted for sampling bias by using the target background approach, and constructed model ensembles using the five models for each species for three different thresholds (conservative to targeted;1st percentile, 10th percentile, and maximum of sensitivity-specificity). This data bundle contains a single file of occurrence data with abundance information (Nonnative_plants_US.csv) and a subfolder for each species that contains the two raster files associated with the species. Each of the two rasters represent the following: species_code for current climate and species_code.2c for predictions under a +2C climate change scenario.

The bundle documentation files are: 1) 'project_metdata.xml' (this file) which contains the project-level metadata 2) Nonnative_plants_US.csv is the occurrence and abundance data. 3) XX.tif where XX is the species code with current climatic conditions and species code with '2c' appended for habitat suitability predictions with +2C of climate change.

Publication Year 2024
Title US non-native plant occurrence and abundance data and distribution maps for Eastern US species with current and future climate
DOI 10.5066/P14VVRES
Authors Bethany Bradley, Annette Evans, Catherine S Jarnevich, Evelyn Beaury, Peder S Engelstad, Nathan B Teich, Jillian (Contractor) M Laroe
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Fort Collins Science Center