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USGS translates our science from reports and journal articles, and engages stakeholders, to inform restoration and conservation decisions across the Chesapeake watershed. Multimedia information includes geologic maps, and from publications, videos, and Geonarratives that provide stories and maps about selected findings.


Color photograph of gound cracks on ash covered surface
June 6, 2024 — Cracks formed around recent Kīlauea Southwest Rift Zone eruption fissures
June 6, 2024 — Cracks formed around recent Kīlauea Southwest Rift Zone eruption fissures
June 6, 2024 — Cracks formed around recent Kīlauea Southwest Rift Zone eruption fissures

During an overflight at approximately 8:15 a.m. HST on June 6, 2024, USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists observed the extensive crack features on either side of the now inactive fissures from the June 3 Kīlauea Southwest Rift Zone eruption. Cracks range in length and are parallel to the fissure system. USGS photo by A.R. Nalesnik. 

During an overflight at approximately 8:15 a.m. HST on June 6, 2024, USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists observed the extensive crack features on either side of the now inactive fissures from the June 3 Kīlauea Southwest Rift Zone eruption. Cracks range in length and are parallel to the fissure system. USGS photo by A.R. Nalesnik. 

Interactive UAS Science Exhibit on display in Reston
Interactive UAS Science Exhibit on display in Reston
Interactive UAS Science Exhibit on display in Reston
Interactive UAS Science Exhibit on display in Reston

Interactive UAS Science Exhibit on display in Reston

Included in this display are some of the earliest UAS platforms operated by the USGS and an interactive touch screen table that provides access to additional information and videos.

Interactive UAS Science Exhibit on display in Reston

Included in this display are some of the earliest UAS platforms operated by the USGS and an interactive touch screen table that provides access to additional information and videos.

Close up of water flowing over a rocky stream bed
War Branch, Shenandoah Valley Rural Stream
War Branch, Shenandoah Valley Rural Stream
War Branch, Shenandoah Valley Rural Stream

War Branch is a tributary of Smith Creek in the Shenandoah Valley. This location is a part of the Small Agricultural Watersheds monitoring project.

War Branch is a tributary of Smith Creek in the Shenandoah Valley. This location is a part of the Small Agricultural Watersheds monitoring project.

Series of maps showing modeled stream incision levels for 2002 and 2018
Series of maps showing modeled stream incision levels for 2002 and 2018 in Montgomery County, MD
Series of maps showing modeled stream incision levels for 2002 and 2018 in Montgomery County, MD
Series of maps showing modeled stream incision levels for 2002 and 2018 in Montgomery County, MD

Extent of each study watershed exhibiting characteristics of no incision (blue), moderate incision (orange), and severe incision (red) for the 2002 and 2018 time periods. Boxes A–D on stream networks correspond to photo examples shown below. Photo A taken November 2016, photos B and C taken October 2016, and photo D taken April 2022.

Extent of each study watershed exhibiting characteristics of no incision (blue), moderate incision (orange), and severe incision (red) for the 2002 and 2018 time periods. Boxes A–D on stream networks correspond to photo examples shown below. Photo A taken November 2016, photos B and C taken October 2016, and photo D taken April 2022.

Graphical abstract showing phosphate discharged from the Susquehanna River to the Chesapeake Bay could be derived by desorpti
Graphical abstract showing phosphate discharged from the Susquehanna River to the Chesapeake Bay could be derived by desorpti
Graphical abstract showing phosphate discharged from the Susquehanna River to the Chesapeake Bay could be derived by desorpti
Graphical abstract showing phosphate discharged from the Susquehanna River to the Chesapeake Bay could be derived by desorpti

Phosphate discharged from the Susquehanna River to the Chesapeake Bay could be derived, in part, by desorption from legacy sediments accumulated in impoundments along the lower reaches of the river owing to increasing pH of the river water over recent decades.

Phosphate discharged from the Susquehanna River to the Chesapeake Bay could be derived, in part, by desorption from legacy sediments accumulated in impoundments along the lower reaches of the river owing to increasing pH of the river water over recent decades.

A bridge over the Difficult Run stream with a stream gage in the foreground.
Difficult Run monitoring station in Great Falls, VA
Difficult Run monitoring station in Great Falls, VA
Difficult Run monitoring station in Great Falls, VA

The stream gage at the Difficult Run Near Great Falls, VA monitoring station. This site is a part of the USGS Nontidal Network.


Close up of running water with the text, "Soaking Up Stormwater". Soaking Up Stormwater
Soaking Up Stormwater
Soaking Up Stormwater

This video acts as a “visual abstract” for a recent publication analyzing the stormwater management practices in Clarksburg, MD. The video features interviews with the team of USGS scientists as well as a water specialist from Montgomery County.

This video acts as a “visual abstract” for a recent publication analyzing the stormwater management practices in Clarksburg, MD. The video features interviews with the team of USGS scientists as well as a water specialist from Montgomery County.

Close up of running water with the text, "Soaking Up Stormwater". Soaking Up Stormwater (AD)
Soaking Up Stormwater (AD)
Soaking Up Stormwater (AD)

This video acts as a “visual abstract” for a recent publication analyzing the stormwater management practices in Clarksburg, MD. The video features interviews with the team of USGS scientists as well as a water specialist from Montgomery County.

This video acts as a “visual abstract” for a recent publication analyzing the stormwater management practices in Clarksburg, MD. The video features interviews with the team of USGS scientists as well as a water specialist from Montgomery County.

A photo of a scientist collecting a water sample behind the words 'Chesapeake Bay Status and Trends' Chesapeake Bay Status and Trends (AD)
Chesapeake Bay Status and Trends (AD)
Chesapeake Bay Status and Trends (AD)

The Chesapeake Bay is one of the Nation's largest ecosystem restoration efforts, so monitoring to assess changes in condition is crucial. The USGS is monitoring the status and trends of key indicators for the health of streams and rivers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

The Chesapeake Bay is one of the Nation's largest ecosystem restoration efforts, so monitoring to assess changes in condition is crucial. The USGS is monitoring the status and trends of key indicators for the health of streams and rivers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

A photo of a scientist collecting a water sample behind the words 'Chesapeake Bay Status and Trends' Chesapeake Bay Status and Trends
Chesapeake Bay Status and Trends
Chesapeake Bay Status and Trends

The Chesapeake Bay is one of the Nation's largest ecosystem restoration efforts, so monitoring to assess changes in condition is crucial. The USGS is monitoring the status and trends of key indicators for the health of streams and rivers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

The Chesapeake Bay is one of the Nation's largest ecosystem restoration efforts, so monitoring to assess changes in condition is crucial. The USGS is monitoring the status and trends of key indicators for the health of streams and rivers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

USGS symbol and title text on image of coastal forest landscape and bay Nitrogen in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A Century of Change
Nitrogen in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A Century of Change
Nitrogen in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A Century of Change

Narrated presentation that provides a unique, long-term perspective (1950-2050) of the major drivers of nitrogen change up to the present, and forecasts how they may affect nitrogen into the future for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Information is based off of U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1486.

Narrated presentation that provides a unique, long-term perspective (1950-2050) of the major drivers of nitrogen change up to the present, and forecasts how they may affect nitrogen into the future for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Information is based off of U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1486.