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Cold-water Coral Microbiomes (Anthothela spp.) from Baltimore and Norfolk Canyons: Raw and Processed Data

The files in this data release are the raw and processed DNA sequence files referenced in the journal article by Lawler and others (2016) titled "Coral-Associated Bacterial Diversity is Conserved across Two Deep-Sea Anthothela Species." They represent a 16S rRNA gene amplicon survey of the coral's microbiome completed using Roche 454 pyrosequencing with titanium reagents. Baltimore and Norfolk Can

Cold-water Coral Microbiomes (Acanthogorgia spp. Desmophyllum dianthus, and Lophelia pertusa) from the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean off the Southeast Coast of the United States-Raw Data

The files in this data release are the raw 16S rRNA gene amplicon DNA sequence files from 28 samples of deep-sea corals Acanthogorgia aspera, Acanthogorgia spissa, Desmophyllum dianthus, and Lophelia pertusa, as well as an extraction blank for the Qiagen PowerBiofilm kit used for DNA extraction. The samples were collected during four research cruises from various locations in the Gulf of Mexico an

Cold-water Coral Metagenomes (Lophelia pertusa) from Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean: Raw Data

The files in this data release are the raw DNA metagenome sequence files referenced in Chapter 2 of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Environmental Studies Program Report entitled "Multidisciplinary Assessment of Deep-Water Coral Ecosystems: Tools to Detect Impacts of Sub-lethal Stress." Chapter 2, written by Christina A. Kellogg, is entitled "Deep-Sea Coral Metagenomes." The files represent a

Cold-water Coral Microbiomes (Astrangia poculata) from Narragansett Bay: Sequence Data

The files in this data release are the DNA sequence files referenced in Goldsmith and others (2019), which represent a 16S rRNA gene amplicon survey of Astrangia poculata microbiomes completed using Sanger dideoxy sequencing. The coral samples were collected from Narragansett Bay (Fort Wetherill State Park, Jamestown, Rhode Island) in 2015 and 2016. Sequences were obtained by first extracting DNA

Cold-water Coral Microbiomes (Primnoa spp.) from Gulf of Alaska, Baltimore Canyon, and Norfolk Canyon: Raw Data

The files in this data release are the raw DNA sequence files referenced in the journal article by Goldsmith and others (2018) entitled "Comparison of microbiomes of cold-water corals Primnoa pacifica and Primnoa resedaeformis, with possible link between microbiome composition and host genotype." They represent a 16S rRNA gene amplicon survey of the corals' microbiomes (Primnoa spp.) completed usi

Cold-Water Coral Microbiomes (Lophelia pertusa) from Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean: Raw Data

The files in this data release are the raw DNA sequence files referenced in the submitted journal article by Christina A. Kellogg, Dawn B. Goldsmith and Michael A. Gray entitled "Biogeographic comparison of Lophelia-associated bacterial communities in the western Atlantic reveals conserved core microbiome." They represent a 16S rRNA gene amplicon survey of the coral's microbiomes completed using R

Cold-water coral microbiomes (Paramuricea placomus) from Baltimore Canyon: raw and processed data

The files in this data release are the raw and processed DNA sequence files referenced in the submitted journal article by Kellogg et. al. titled "Bacterial Community Diversity of the Deep-Sea Octocoral Paramuricea placomus." They represent a 16S rRNA gene amplicon survey of the coral's microbiome completed using Roche 454 pyrosequencing with titanium reagents. Baltimore Canyon is in the Atlantic
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