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Below are our KFFS news items.

Western Fisheries Research Center at National American Fisheries Society Meeting

Western Fisheries Research Center at National American Fisheries Society Meeting

This August, the National American Fisheries Society met in Spokane, WA, for the 152nd annual meeting.  Fisheries managers, biologists, professors...

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WFRC Science Featured in Oregon Public Broadcasting’s Oregon Field Guide

WFRC Science Featured in Oregon Public Broadcasting’s Oregon Field Guide

March is Women's History Month! Watch this story about work to save endangered suckers in the Klamath Basin, featuring WFRC Fish Biologist, Summer...

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Western Fisheries Science News, October 2017 | Issue 5.10

Western Fisheries Science News, October 2017 | Issue 5.10

Scientists Continue to Gain Insights into Endangered Suckers in the Klamath Basin

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Western Fisheries Science News, August 2016 | Issue 4.8

Western Fisheries Science News, August 2016 | Issue 4.8

Mesocosms Give Us the Fish-eye View into the Lives and Deaths of Endangered Suckers

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Western Fisheries Science News, February 2016 | Issue 4.2

Western Fisheries Science News, February 2016 | Issue 4.2

Are Colonial Waterbirds Inhibiting the Recovery of Suckers in the Upper Klamath River Basin?

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Western Fisheries Science News, April 2015 | Issue 3.4

Western Fisheries Science News, April 2015 | Issue 3.4

Is Spawning of Endangered Suckers in the Upper Klamath Lake Affected by Low Water Levels?

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Western Fisheries Science News, August 2014 | Issue 2.8

Western Fisheries Science News, August 2014 | Issue 2.8

Research Underway to Investigate Mortality of Endangered Lost River and Shortnose Suckers in the Upper Klamath Basin

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Western Fisheries Science News, April 2014 | Issue 2.4

Western Fisheries Science News, April 2014 | Issue 2.4

Genetic Tools Help Managers Do More With Less

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