Lidar Base Specification 2020 rev. A is now available
The 3DEP Lidar Base Specification 2020 rev. A is now available!
This release of the Lidar Base Specification (LBS) introduces a new version naming convention to aid in tracking revisions and to clarify the year of release. This and following releases will labeled with "YYYY rev. L" where YYYY is the year of the release and L is a letter corresponding to the order of the re
Lidar Base Specification: Table of Contents
Lidar Base Specification 2024 rev. A
Table of Contents
The major headings link to pages which contain the specifications for that section.
Update LAS reference to R15
There are currently eleven (11) references to LAS v.1.4-R13 in the Lidar Base Specification v. 2.1. All of these will be updated to LAS v.1.4-R15.
Require Photographs of Checkpoints
Photographs will be required for checkpoints to help identify potential sources of error in the quality control process. There are currently no requirements in the Lidar Base Specification to provide photographs of checkpoints.
Clarify Class 0 and Withheld Flagging
The current text regarding Point Classification can be confusing with regard to points flagged as withheld. This revision clarifies the requirement.
Revise Swath Polygon Requirements
The current usage of swath polygons has moved beyond the requirements in LBS v.2.1. This revision brings the requirements into better agreement with usage.
Revise use of the LAS Withheld Bit Flag
Current wording of requirement is too broad and lacks clarity regarding which points must be flagged and how the bit flag relates to other classifications.
Vertical Accuracy Assessment Using Ground Points
This revision modifies the method for assessing absolute vertical accuracy for both NVA and VVA to require the use of ground-classified points. The requirement that unclassified point data shall meet required VVA before further classification and processing has been removed.
Swath Separation Images
This is a new requirement for delivery of Swath Separation Images. Swath separation images use color-coding to illustrate differences in elevation (z-) values where swaths overlap. They are ancillary metadata used as visual aids to more easily identify regions within point cloud datasets that may have suspect interswath alignment or other geometric issues.