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DOI Talent Frequently Asked Questions

DOI Talent Frequently Asked Questions

  • I attended a webinar on how to Maximize the IDP/LP in DOI Talent, and there were templates discussed that we could use. Where can I find these templates?

You can find the documents here:

Learning Plan/Individual Development Plan Reflections

Overview Template for Learning Plan/Individual Development Plan


  • I have been assigned RBST/RBPT. I am not a supervisor and should not be assigned this training.

Please contact the IMT Office at if you feel that the assignment of the training is not correct.


  • I have been told that I need to take the RBST/RBPT training but I don’t see where to find the courses.

Please contact the IMT Office at to have them make the changes if needed. If they say you need to complete the training, they will update your profile and that will allow you to see the courses needed to complete the training.


  • I completed course xxxyyyzzz, but my Record of Learning says 0% or less than 100%

While taking eLearning courses, if you turn away from the training for a period of time, DOI Talent will log you out. Before taking an online training course, we recommend logging out and logging back in to be sure you have a renewed browser session. Best practice: Don't leave an online course open and walk away from your computer. If you are interrupted and cannot complete a course that you have open, exit the course and log out of DOI Talent. If you turn away from an eLearning course, it will log you off after some time. You won't see that you were logged off due to the auto login with your PIV card. However, once you were logged off and return to the course, you will be able to complete the course, but it has stopped marking your progress in the program. Therefore, it will not mark you complete. If you need to turn away from the course, it is best practice to exit the course. Most courses now will mark where you left off and when you come back will take you there.

If you did not close the training and finished the training, you can take a screenshot of the completion and forward it to your data steward to mark you complete in the course.


  • I have an employee that has moved from another bureau and their profile hasn’t been updated yet. Can you make the change so they can take training?

With transfers from other bureaus, it can sometimes take 1 to 2 pay periods for their profile to be updated. Until then, unfortunately, some of the courses that are only open to USGS will not be available for them to enroll in. If you know the contact info for that course, you can get in touch with them to enroll them into the class, they can do that manually until their profile has been updated.


  • I accidentally enrolled myself in a course. How can I un-enroll from the course?

Learners can unenroll by going into the course, and in the Administration box on the left of the screen, they will see Course Administration, and under that, they will see "Unenroll me from..." Click on that, and they will be dropped from the course.


  • I noticed that a number of classes that I have taken in the last year have had the “progress” amount reset from 100% to 0%?

Recently the Safety courses had their completions archived to clear the way for those users that

need to re-certify now the ability to complete the course a second time. This does not take away

the completion of the course, it does clear the progress from the “Current” completion and moves

it to the “Previous Completion” column in your Record of Learning (ROL). If you do not need to

complete the course a second time, you can un-enroll from the course and it will remove it from

your ROL. This does not remove the completion! To see a report of your previous completions go

to Reports->Learner: My Learning Record – Archives.


  • I am assigned or was asked to take a course I cannot find can you help me?

If you were assigned training, you could find this in your Record of Learning under the Program or

Certification tab.

If you were asked to take a course, you could find this by searching the Course Catalog.

  1. At the top of the screen in the header, click “Find Learning”
  2. Use the search boxes to type in keywords to find the training you are interested in taking. You can use Key Words, a Course Title, or a course shortname to find a course. Using “quotes around phrases” will search for the exact text entered. Select the magnifying glass or press enter to begin your search. The data you see is specific to your role and permissions in DOI Talent. Remember, when searching, simplicity is key. For example, type “leadership” instead of “leadership qualities” or “natural resource” instead of “reserving natural resources.”
    • Be sure to select the Course Status = “A,” so you only see active courses.


  • I cannot find any Skillsoft courses.

All Skillsoft courses are located in the Course Catalog.

  1. At the top of the screen in the header, click “Find Learning”
  2. Use the search boxes to type in keywords to find the training you are interested in taking. You can use Key Words, a Course Title, or a course shortname to find a course. Using “quotes around phrases” will search for the exact text entered. Select the magnifying glass or press enter to begin your search. The data you see is specific to your role and permissions in DOI Talent. Remember, when searching, simplicity is key. For example: type “leadership” instead of “leadership qualities” or “natural resource” instead of “reserving natural resources.”
    • Be sure to select the Course Status = “A,” so you only see active courses.
    • Click on “Category” and scroll down to choose “Skillsoft Library.”

This will show you all the Skillsoft courses available.


  • How do supervisors sign off that a course is completed?

Supervisors can mark programs and certifications complete.

  1. At the top of the screen in the header, the Team option will only show up if you have the Supervisor role. Click on it, and it will show who is currently assigned as your Employees.
  2. Under the employee name, click on “Required.”
  3. Click on the Program/Certification Name


  1. At the top of the screen in the header, the Team option will only show up if you have the Supervisor role. Click on it, and it will show who is currently assigned as your Supervisor.
  2. Under the employee name, click on “Records.”
  3. Click on the Program/certification tab
  4. Click on the Program/certification Name
  5. Check the box and “Mark Complete.”
  6. Add the Date completed and if you need to add a grade and make a comment
  7. Click “Save Changes”

Once completed, you will see a banner at the top of the page stating that the “Course marked as manually completed” and will see the program/certification progress as 100%. View this job aid on how to accomplish this.


  • I have two employees who were recently promoted to supervisory status. How do I change the employees who are under their supervision, to them in DOI talent for their performance appraisals?

The supervisor themselves will need to go in and claim their employees. View this job aid on how to accomplish this.


  • I keep getting messages to take USERRA and Veteran's Employment Training Requirement. These are for supervisors. I am not a supervisor. Stop sending me emails to take the training.

The assignment is made to those who have the Supervisor Code of 2 or 4 in FPPS. To remove the assignment, you will need to get with your admin staff or HR contact and have them make the change in FPPS. Once the change has been made, during the next auto-upload, you will be removed from the program.


  • I received an email to complete the Telework Certification but I can not access the course through the link.

There was an issue with the recertification program for the Telework agreement that has been corrected. When the window opened for you to complete the annual recertification of your telework agreement, it archived your old completion for the initial course, therefore removing your progress for that course.

To fix this, you can search under Find Learning for the course DOI Telework Agreement Form (DI-3457) Initial Certification Course and complete it instead of the annual recertification course.

Next year, you will only need to complete the annual recertification course.


  • I’m trying to upload a new Telework Agreement and it is not allowing me to do this.

If you have previously completed this course or the initial Telework course, you would be added to a certification which will archive the old completion and reassign the course to you annually. The assignment will give you three months prior to the due date (one year after the previous completion date) to complete the course again. If you try to complete the course/upload a new agreement before this window is open, it will not allow you to because the previous completion has not yet been archived. You will have to wait until you get notification that the window has been opened to upload a new agreement.


  • I have received my Completion Certificate for Defensive Driving from GSA FLEET Drive-thru. How do I get credit for this in DOI Talent?

Once you have the certificate, go to Find Learning, search for the Defensive Driving – USGS Credit course and Enroll. Once in the course, you can self-certify your completion by choosing which option you completed the course with.


  • Where can I find my certificate?

Not all courses offer certificates. If they do, once you complete the course, the certificate will be available in the course.


  • I am a Supervisor and cannot find anything telling me what to do or where to find the option for approval. I am not getting emails telling me a request needs attention.

A Supervisor can go to their "Team" page, and on the right, you would see a box labeled "Learning Approval Queue." This box displays a report of learning events that require manager approval to complete an employee's registration. You would click on "Manage approval" to approve or decline the request. View this job aid on how to accomplish this.


  • How can I check to see if my Supervisor has approved my training request?

Check your Bookings in DOI Talent to see if you have any unapproved class requests (status will show “Requested”).

Go to My Learning->My Bookings. Your request Status will either show: “Requested,” “Waitlisted,” or “Booked.”

If your request Status shows “Requested,” check with your Supervisor to ensure they are able to see your requests on their Teams page.


  • When new employees come on board, do they receive an email from DOI Talent with a login and password to register in DOI Talent, as they did for DOI Learn? If so, how soon do they receive this email?

Once an employee’s PIV card has been activated, their account will be created with the next auto-upload to DOI Talent, and they will receive an email with their login information.


  • Where can I see the past courses that I have taken from DOI Learn?

Completed courses for DOI employees whose accounts were in an active status at the time of the migration were transferred to the DOI Talent Record of Learning under the Other Evidence tab.


  • Is there a way for employees to log in with a username and password?

Unfortunately, no. If they have a PIV card, the need to use that to log in. If they requested a new account, it would not get approved because that would create a duplicate account.


  • I have a few folks that are Volunteers with ID cards but do not have access to a government computer. How can they access the required training on DOI Talent so that they don't lose their accounts?

If you can get them access to a card reader, they can access their DOI Talent accounts at any computer by going to

They don't necessarily have to be on a government computer; they just need a card reader, which can be bought at any office supply store.


  • We have a very part-time employee at a sister site who hasn’t logged on to a USGS computer(s) in over a year and thus never kept their Windows account, or PIV card enabled. (And also due to missing the annual REQUIRED, FISSA training has had their Windows/AD user account disabled).

Users can complete the mandatory training to get their network access by going to DOI Talent Portal Streaming download page at Once they have completed the training, they would need to inform the group to get their network access back.


  • John Smith retired as of August 31, 2019, but is still showing up in DOI Talent. Will you please remove him so that he does not show up in reports as not having completed the required training?

There needs to be a 9-090 submitted when an employee retires/resigns. We can not deactivate the account due to it will automatically be reactivated during the next auto-upload from FPPS or DOI Access.

When should you REMOVE an employee from your team? Once you see an employee status marked as suspended under their name in your Team tab, you can remove them from your team. If that employee's account is still active, DO NOT REMOVE them. If the employee now works under another Supervisor, you may change the Supervisor to the correct one or notify the new Supervisor to claim them. If an employee is still showing as active and has left your bureau more than 30 days ago, please make sure you have submitted the proper forms to your local HR office to have them removed. If you created the 9-090 Clearance form and the employee is still active, follow the instructions here to submit a Remedy Ticket.


  • There used to be an obvious UPDATE SUPERVISOR button on the main page: What happened to it?

With the addition of the Performance Plan, this process has changed. The employee can no longer change their supervisor; only the Supervisor can pick up the employee. View this job aid on how to accomplish this.


  • How are external training requests (SF-182s) handled in DOI Talent?

Users can save SF-182s that are not yet final, copy existing requests to use for their next course, and withdraw requests that are not yet approved. Great improvements to the SF-182 process! Here are the instructions.

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