StreamStats is a map based Web application that provides information that can be used by engineers, managers, and planners to make informed decisions on water-related activities. The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas, get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics. StreamStats allows for the analysis of upstream and downstream relations along streams. In addition, the USGS is currently implementing two simple hydrologic models for Colorado, TR-55 (SCS Curve Number Method) and the Rational Method.
StreamStats currently implements regression equations for estimating instantaneous peak flows for various return flows. It also reports low-flow, flow-duration, and maximum-flow statistics. The current StreamStats “Basin Characterization” tool characterizes the basin for only the parameters that are used in these state-specific regression equations. These current basin characteristics include:
- drainage area (sq. mi.),
- percentage of area above 7,500 feet of elevation,
- mean elevation of watershed (feet),
- mean annual precipitation (inches),
- 6-hour, 100-year precipitation (inches),
- mean watershed slope (percent),
- percent of area covered by clay, and
- elevation of the basin outlet (degrees).
In an effort to better support the hydrologic modeling efforts within the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), the USGS will be adding twenty-seven basin characteristics to the Colorado State StreamStats Basin Characterization tool. The additional basin characteristics will include:
- SSURGOA - Percent of area hydrologic soil 'A' defined by SSURGO
- SSURGOB - Percent of area hydrologic soil 'B' defined by SSURGO
- SSURGOC - Percent of area hydrologic soil 'C' defined by SSURGO
- SSURGOD - Percent of area hydrologic soil 'D' defined by SSURGO
- MINBELEV - Minimum basin elevation, in feet
- MAXELEV - Maximum basin elevation, in feet
- LC11FOREST - Percentage of forest from NLCD 2011 classes 41-43
- LC11GRASS - Percentage of grassland from NLCD 2011 class 71
- LC11CRPHAY - Percentage of cultivated crops and hay from NLCD 2011, classes 81 and 82
- LC11WETLND - Percentage of wetlands from NLCD 2011, classes 90 and 95
- LC11BARE - Percentage of barren from NLCD 2011 class 31
- LC11DEV - Percentage of developed (urban) land from NLCD 2011 classes 21-24
- LC11IMP - Average percentage of impervious area determined from NLCD 2011 impervious dataset
- LC11SHRUB - Percentage of shrub scrub from NLCD 2011 class 52
- LC11SNOIC - Percent snow and ice from NLCD 2011 class 12
- LC11WATERPercent of open water from NLCD 2011 class 11
- LONG_OUT - Longitude of outlet
- LAT_OUT - Latitude of outlet
- I24H100Y - Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 100 years
- I24H2Y - Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 2 years
- I6H2Y - Maximum 6-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 2 years
- RCN - Runoff-curve number as defined by NRCS
- STORNHD - Percent storage (wetlands and waterbodies) determined from 1:24K NHD
- RUNCOEF - Soil runoff coefficient
- TOC - Time of concentration in hours
- LFPLENGTH - Length of longest flow path in miles
- CSL1085LFP - 10-85 slope based on longest flow path computed using 10-m DEMs, in feet per mile
Another addition to the Colorado State StreamStats application will be two simple hydrologic models, TR-55 (SCS Curve Number Method) and the Rational Method. These models will make use of the newly added basin characteristics that are currently under implementation. The addition of the two models is expected to be completed in 2018.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Paleoflood investigations to improve peak-streamflow regional-regression equations for natural streamflow in eastern Colorado, 2015
Regional regression equations for estimation of natural streamflow statistics in Colorado
Below are partners associated with this project.
StreamStats is a map based Web application that provides information that can be used by engineers, managers, and planners to make informed decisions on water-related activities. The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas, get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics. StreamStats allows for the analysis of upstream and downstream relations along streams. In addition, the USGS is currently implementing two simple hydrologic models for Colorado, TR-55 (SCS Curve Number Method) and the Rational Method.
StreamStats currently implements regression equations for estimating instantaneous peak flows for various return flows. It also reports low-flow, flow-duration, and maximum-flow statistics. The current StreamStats “Basin Characterization” tool characterizes the basin for only the parameters that are used in these state-specific regression equations. These current basin characteristics include:
- drainage area (sq. mi.),
- percentage of area above 7,500 feet of elevation,
- mean elevation of watershed (feet),
- mean annual precipitation (inches),
- 6-hour, 100-year precipitation (inches),
- mean watershed slope (percent),
- percent of area covered by clay, and
- elevation of the basin outlet (degrees).
In an effort to better support the hydrologic modeling efforts within the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), the USGS will be adding twenty-seven basin characteristics to the Colorado State StreamStats Basin Characterization tool. The additional basin characteristics will include:
- SSURGOA - Percent of area hydrologic soil 'A' defined by SSURGO
- SSURGOB - Percent of area hydrologic soil 'B' defined by SSURGO
- SSURGOC - Percent of area hydrologic soil 'C' defined by SSURGO
- SSURGOD - Percent of area hydrologic soil 'D' defined by SSURGO
- MINBELEV - Minimum basin elevation, in feet
- MAXELEV - Maximum basin elevation, in feet
- LC11FOREST - Percentage of forest from NLCD 2011 classes 41-43
- LC11GRASS - Percentage of grassland from NLCD 2011 class 71
- LC11CRPHAY - Percentage of cultivated crops and hay from NLCD 2011, classes 81 and 82
- LC11WETLND - Percentage of wetlands from NLCD 2011, classes 90 and 95
- LC11BARE - Percentage of barren from NLCD 2011 class 31
- LC11DEV - Percentage of developed (urban) land from NLCD 2011 classes 21-24
- LC11IMP - Average percentage of impervious area determined from NLCD 2011 impervious dataset
- LC11SHRUB - Percentage of shrub scrub from NLCD 2011 class 52
- LC11SNOIC - Percent snow and ice from NLCD 2011 class 12
- LC11WATERPercent of open water from NLCD 2011 class 11
- LONG_OUT - Longitude of outlet
- LAT_OUT - Latitude of outlet
- I24H100Y - Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 100 years
- I24H2Y - Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 2 years
- I6H2Y - Maximum 6-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 2 years
- RCN - Runoff-curve number as defined by NRCS
- STORNHD - Percent storage (wetlands and waterbodies) determined from 1:24K NHD
- RUNCOEF - Soil runoff coefficient
- TOC - Time of concentration in hours
- LFPLENGTH - Length of longest flow path in miles
- CSL1085LFP - 10-85 slope based on longest flow path computed using 10-m DEMs, in feet per mile
Another addition to the Colorado State StreamStats application will be two simple hydrologic models, TR-55 (SCS Curve Number Method) and the Rational Method. These models will make use of the newly added basin characteristics that are currently under implementation. The addition of the two models is expected to be completed in 2018.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Paleoflood investigations to improve peak-streamflow regional-regression equations for natural streamflow in eastern Colorado, 2015
Regional regression equations for estimation of natural streamflow statistics in Colorado
Below are partners associated with this project.