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CDI Collaboration Area Meetings in FY23

Eighteen collaboration areas activities hosted meetings in FY23.

As part of networking and sharing knowledge and experience, the CDI facilitates Collaboration Areas that form around common interests, help address challenges, and identify solutions that enable data integration efforts. ​​​​​​

To join a collaboration area, fill out this form.


Collaboration Areas

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning


Data Management

Data Visualization


Fire Science



Imagery Data



Metadata Reviewers

Power Platform


Semantic Web

Software Development

Tech Stack


Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Date Topics Presenters
February 14, 2023 Exploiting artificial intelligence for advancing earth and environmental system science Forrest Hoffman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee
March 14, 2023 Integrating machine learning into large-scale aerial and satellite remote sensing to observe and understand changing coasts Daniel Buscombe, USGS
April 11, 2023 A subsurface machine learning approach at hydrocarbon production forecast and resource estimates for unconventional reservoirs Shane Prochnow, Chevron
July 11, 2023 Estimation of the United States public water withdrawal using machine learning: presenting the preliminary model, challenges in development, and key findings Ayman Alzraiee, USGS
September 5, 2023 Modeling continental U.S. stream water quality using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) Kuai Fang, Stanford University


Date Topics Presenters
March 6, 2023 The state of the cryosphere Twila Moon, National Snow and Ice Data Center and University of Colorado - Boulder
June 13, 2023 USGS Cryosphere Community of Practice Burke Minsley, Stephanie James, Brian Menounos, Dave Selkowitz, Zachary Miller, Laura Gemery, USGS


Data Management

Date Topics Presenters
November 14, 2022 Show and tell about collections management and collections resources Victoria Crystal and Amy Atwater, USGS
ReSciColl documentation ecosystem Dan Arthur and Mikki Johnson, USGS
December 12, 2022 USGS Repositories: Policy, types, and challenges associated with our current landscape Viv Hutchison, USGS
January 9, 2023 Introduction to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) for data managers David Mitchell, Smithsonian Instiution and USGS
February 13, 2023 Adding plain language tags to USGS water data offerings Candice Hopkins and Rachel Volentine, USGS
Assessing the Value and Usage of Data Management Planning and Data Management Plans at the USGS Madison Langseth, USGS
March 13, 2023 Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Archive & EarthExplorer Chris Rusanowski, USGS
April 10, 2023 Introduction to the Information Management Branch Paula Estornell, USGS
Data Management Staffing Discussion Madison Langseth, USGS
June 12, 2023 Introduction to the DMWG Summer Series David Donato, USGS
Microsoft 365 Robbie Moreland, USGS
EROS Virtual Desktop Kelly Burmeister, USGS
Secure FTP Keith Richmond, USGS
Questions and Answers Madison Langseth, USGS
July 10, 2023 Cloud Hosting Solutions Eric Larson, Dionne Zoanni, and Robert Shepherd, USGS
Globus and High-Performance Computing Resources Jeff Falgout, USGS
ScienceBase Communities and Advanced Collection Management Drew Ignizio and Grace Donovan, USGS
August 14, 2023 Workflows using R targets and S3 Jared Smith, USGS
S3/AWS and Python David Watkins, USGS
R Slim data release template and ScienceBase Samantha Oliver, USGS
Data management challenges and opportunities for mapping and quantifying bottom foeatures of the Great Lakes Jennifer Morris, USGS
Globus SDK Ted Thompson, USGS
September 11, 2023 USGS Public Access Plan Updates Viv Hutchison and Kelly Haberstroh, USGS


Data Visualization

Date Topics Presenters
March 21, 2023 Fast, fun, interactive data visualizations in JavaScript with Observable Plot Allison Horst, Observable



Date Topics Presenters
October 4, 2022 AWS FSx for Windows File Server Ed Phillips, USGS
December 13, 2022 Just-in time nodes for the Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters using Karpenter Justin Garrison, Amazon Web Services
February 7, 2023 Appian: Platform Overview for USGS Jason Adolf, Appian
July 11, 2023 Managing a fleet of EC2 instances at Netflix (at scale) Justin Phelps, Netflix


Fire Science

Date Topics Presenters
October 18, 2022 Quantifying plant-soil-nutrient dynamics in rangelands: Fusion of UAV hyperspectral-LiDAR, UAV multispectral-photogrammetry, and ground-based LiDAR-digital photography in a shrub-encroached desert grassland Joel Sankey, USGS
November 15, 2022 Fire weather and other fire related science at NOAA   Dave Turner, NOAA
December 15, 2022 Fire science and related research at Los Alamos National Lab and opportunities under the LANL/USGS MOU Justin Welty, USGS
January 17, 2023 The new Wildland Fire Trends Tool Doug Shinneman and Michelle Jeffries, USGS
February 21, 2023 Watershed health & management in SW fire prone arid ecosystems Laura Norman, USGS
March 21, 2023 Characterizing forest heterogeneity tradeoffs for effective fuel treatment design Chad Hoffman, USGS
April 18, 2023 Communities are made of people and homes: putting people into solutions to wildfire risk to communities James Meldrum, USGS
May 16, 2023 Beyond cheatgrass: ecological diversity in fire-prone annual grasses Cara Applestein, USGS
June 20, 2023 Historical role of fire in the Klamath Mountains, California Clarke Knight, USGS
July 18, 2023 Environmental safety of wildland firefighting chemicals in aquatic systems Holly Puglis, USGS
August 15, 2023 Ten-year ecological response to fuel treatments within semiarid Wyoming sagebrush ecosystems Scott Shaff, USGS
September 19, 2023 Relationship of strategic fire science and management efforts to the USGS Paul Steblein, USGS



Date Topics Presenters
October 25, 2022 Shifting Lakeshore Sands: Investigating short- and long-term geomorphic change in a post-glacial lacustrine terrain through remote sensing and terrain change analysis Jessica DeWitt, USGS
November 15, 2022 Understanding the Prevalence and Relevance of Outwash: Examples in NOAA Emergency Response Imagery and a case study after Hurricane Dorian Jin-Si Over, USGS
January 24, 2023 The where, when, and why of large wood in the Upper Mississippi River System: lessons from a 25-year dataset Molly Van Appledorn, USGS
February 28, 2023 Incorporating fluvial erosion hazards into the new Federal Flood Risk Management Standard Jory Hecht, Faith Fitzpatrick, Allen Gellis, and Julia Prokopec, USGS
March 28, 2023 Vegetation root strength and its effects on shallow landslides: Revisiting root cohesion at the CB1 landslide Collin Cronkite-Ratcliff, USGS
April 25, 2023 Observations of river dynamics and mechanisms of scour near highway bridges from repeat surveys with a multibeam sonar Rick Huizinga, USGS
June 27, 2023 Sediment sources and connectivity linked to hydrologic pathways and geomorphic processes: a conceptual model to specify sediment sources and pathways through space and time Se Jong Cho, USGS
July 25, 2023 Mapping Potential Sensitivity to Hydrogeomorphic Change in the Upper Mississippi Riverscape Angus Vaughan, USGS
August 22, 2023 A Regional Assessment of Status and Trends for Geomorphology and Physical Habitat in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Matt Cashman, USGS
September 19, 2023 Comparing DEM-derived stream channel longitudinal profiles across data resolutions and different Laramide terranes Curtis Price, USGS



Date Topics Presenters
June 15, 2023 Combining GHISA remote sensing datasets with PyHAT to broaden impact of Earth spectroscopic datasets Itiya Aneece and Travis Gabriel, USGS
August 17, 2023 Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) and Geological Earth Mapping Experiment (GEMx), a USGS-NASA collaboration to collect VSWIR airborne imaging spectrometer data + TIR sensor data Raymond Kokaly, USGS


Imagery Data

Date Topics Presenters
October 11, 2022 Scripting Share-A-Thon: Workflows to Save Time or Automate Imagery-related Tasks Carl Legleiter, Victoria Scholl, Troy Gilmore, Josh Von Nonn, and Frank Engel, USGS
March 7-8, 2023 Imagery Data at the Edge: Advancing USGS imagery data edge computer processing 2 day workshop
May 30, 2023 AI/ML for Imagery Group discussion
August 1, 2023 Satellite remote sensing of river discharge (SatRSQ) Rob Dudley, Merritt Harlan, and Dave Bjerklie, USGS


Inland Bathymetry

Date Topics Presenters
October 21, 2022 Bathymetry research coordination Group discussion
November 15, 2022 Bathymetry research coordination Group discussion
January 18, 2023 Bathymetry research coordination Group discussion
February 22, 2023 Bathymetry research coordination Group discussion
March 27, 2023 Bathymetry research coordination Group discussion
May 17, 2023 Bathymetry research coordination Group discussion
June 13, 2023 Bathymetry research coordination Group discussion
July 24, 2023 Bathymetry research coordination Group discussion
September 26, 2023 Bathymetry research coordination Group discussion



Date Topics Presenters
October 26, 2022 (More) examples of using Markdown and LaTeX in preparing reports and manuscripts (and automated tables!!) Richie Erickson, USGS
January 25, 2023 Quarto Visual Editor demo Richie Erickson, USGS
April 26, 2023 Word and PowerPoint templates with Quarto and RMarkdown Richie Erickson, USGS
Using Sweave (a special type of LaTeX that weaves S into documents [now R]) to write annual reports Dustin Toy, USGS
July 26, 2023 The here package to easily build file paths Justin Mills, USGS
Quarto with DOIs for references Mike Fienen, USGS
Posit (R) Workbench Richie Erickson and Courtney Neu, USGS
LaTeX and todo lists Rebecca Ransom, USGS​


Metadata Reviewers

Date Topics Presenters
October 3, 2022 Continued discussion on qualification code guidelines Group Discussion
November 7, 2022 Continued discussion on qualification code guidelines Group Discussion
June 5, 2023 Recommended metadata tools and reviewing USGS Thesaurus keywords in metadata records Group Discussion


Power Platform

Date Topics Presenters
July 19, 2023 Initial meeting and overview of Microsoft Power Platform Power Platform coordinators
August 16, 2023 Environments and types of Power Apps Power Platform coordinators
  Power App demonstration: IT equipment database and inventory
September 20, 2023 Dataverse presentation and Q&A Judd Gravelle, Microsoft


Risk Research and Applications

Date Topics Presenters
October 27, 2022 FY23 Risk RFP information session Risk team
November 17, 2022 User needs assessment for postfire debris-flow inundation hazard products Katy Barnhart, USGS
Department of the Interior Strategic Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (SHIRA) Project: New directions and updates Alice Pennaz and Nate Wood, USGS
December 15, 2022 Introduction to the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance Natural Hazards Disaster Risk Reduction team Panel discussion
January 19, 2023 Developing the Brief Vulnerability Overview Tool (BVOT) with the National Weather Service Jack Friedman, USGS
February 16, 2023 Applying Social Science for Risk Reduction: Federal Agency Perspectives Gina Eosco, NOAA, Maria Dillard, NIST, Keeley Maxwell, EPA, and Oronde Drakes, USGS
March 16, 2023 Building bridges across communities of practice Emily Wilkins, Annie Scott, Shaleene Chavarria, and Rachel Volentine, USGS
April 20, 2023 Spatial Hazard Events and Disaster Loss Database for the United States (SHELDUS) Melanie Gall, ASU
Updated National Landslide Susceptibility Map Ben Mirus, USGS
May 18, 2023 USGS Environmental Justice Program Amy Teague and Roxanne Lamb, USGS
National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers - Climate Justice Allesandra Jerolleman, USGS
June 15, 2023 Risk to Campers on Tributary Debris Fans of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, AZ from Known Debris Flow Hazards Paul Grams, USGS
Indigenous Drought Risk Assessment in the Colorado River Basin: Weaving Indigenous Knowledge into assessments of drought risk Jessica Driscoll, USGS
Site Prioritization Tool for Invasive Species: Integrating Diverse Spatial Data to Inform Risk​ Catherine Jarnevich, USGS
July 20, 2023 Changes in RGE/EDGE panels and review processes; how the Risk CoP can ensure that risk-related research is represented in RGE/EDGE process Jeannie Barlow, USGS
July 21, 2023 Community Disaster Resilience Zones Act of 2022 Risk team
August 17, 2023 Background and Introduction to the Coastal Science Navigator dashboard/website Erika Lentz, USGS
Considering risk in developing a social science strategy for USGS coastal science Dawn Kotowicz, USGS
September 21, 2023 Communicating managed retreat in California Amanda Stoltz, USGS
RMP considerations of tribes Coral Avery, USGS


Semantic Web

Date Topics Presenters
October 13, 2022 Open Knowledge Network Innovation Sprint Dalia Varanka, USGS
November 10, 2022 Open Knowledge Network and Coastal Change Hazards group Group discussion
January 10, 2023 CDI Workshop session Group discussion


Software Development

Date Topics Presenters
October 27, 2022 CDI proposal process overview Leslie Hsu, USGS
January 26, 2023 Zero trust architecture Carl Schroedl and Dell Long, USGS
March 23, 2023 How to migrate from Github to Github Enterprise or Gitlab with best practice examples Eric Martinez, USGS
June 22, 2023 Future directions for CDI Software Development Group Group Discussion
July 27, 2023 Designing a common practice of code review for scientists in the GHSC landslides program Jonathan King, USGS
August 24, 2023 DOI Single Sign On (SSO) resources for developers Andrew Havely, Darren Dickinson, and Robb Bryn, DOI, and Carl Schroedl, USGS
August 30, 2023 Challenges government faces in the digital age, and on how we can do better Jennifer Pahlka, former U.S. CTO
September 7, 2023, Rescued! Sam King, Empower Project



Date Topics Presenters
January 27, 2023 Kickoff meeting Usability coordinators
March 10, 2023 Redesigning the USGS Water Cycle Diagram, created with and for K-12 educators Cee Nell, Charlotte Riggs, and Rachel Volentine, USGS
May 11, 2023 Wildlife Health Information Sharing Partnership (WHISPers) Usability: Past, Present, and Future Kim Miller and Kimberly Cupp, USGS
Usability testing 101 hands-on activity​ Group discussion
July 19, 2023 Hands-on experience conducting a usability test​ Rachel Volentine, USGS
September 28, 2023 Environmental justice and how usability practices can support Oronde Drakes, USGS


Tech Stack

Date Topics Presenters
October 10, 2022 openEO - API for Earth Observation Workflows Alexander Jacob, Eurac Research and Matthias Mohr, University of Muenster WWU
November 10, 2022 AWS for Research - Stepping Into the Cloud Scott Friedman, AWS
February 9, 2023 Rants & Raves Lightning talks
March 9, 2023 Meeting Data Where it Lives: the power of virtual access patterns Mike Johnson, NOAA
April 13, 2023 Evolution of open source geospatial python Tom Kralidis, Meteorological Service of Canada
May 11, 2023 Software Procurement Has Failed Us Completely, But No More! Waldo Jaquith, U.S. Digital Response
June 8, 2023 Reproducible Data Pipelines in Modern Data Science: what they are, how to use them, and examples you can use! Julie Padilla, USGS
July 13, 2023 Tools to Assist Simulation Based Researchers in Deciding What Project Outputs to Preserve and Share Doug Schuster, UCAR
August 10, 2023 Learning to love the upside down: Quarto and the two data science worlds Carlos Scheidegger, Posit
September 14, 2023 Water data standardization: Navigating the AntiCommons Kyle Onda, Internet of Water

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