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Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

Scientists from the Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center capitalize on their diverse expertise to answer scientific questions shaped by the environments of the western United States. We collaborate with each other and with partners to provide rigorous, objective, and timely information and guidance to support management, conservation, and restoration of the Nation's natural resources.


Food-web dynamics in the Methow River overshadow the effects of engineered logjams

Food-web dynamics in the Methow River overshadow the effects of engineered logjams

USGS Friday's Findings - December 6, 2024

USGS Friday's Findings - December 6, 2024

Patchy response of cheatgrass to pre-emergent herbicides applied after wildfire

Patchy response of cheatgrass to pre-emergent herbicides applied after wildfire


Imperiled Great Basin terminal lakes: Synthesizing ecological and hydrological science gaps and research needs for waterbird conservation

Terminal lakes are declining globally because of human water demands, drought, and climate change. Through literature synthesis and feedback from the resource and conservation community, we review the state of research for terminal lakes in the Great Basin of the United States, which support millions of waterbirds annually, to prioritize ecological and hydrologic information needs. From an ecologi
Garth Herring, Ashley L. Whipple, Cameron L. Aldridge, Bryce Alan Pulver, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Rich D. Inman, Elliott Matchett, Adrian P. Monroe, Elizabeth Kari Orning, Benjamin Seward Robb, Jessica E. Shyvers, Bryan C. Tarbox, Nathan D. Van Schmidt, Cassandra Smith, Matthew J. Holloran, Cory T. Overton, David O'Leary, Michael L. Casazza, Rebecca Frus

Food-web dynamics of a floodplain mosaic overshadow the effects of engineered logjams for Pacific salmon and steelhead

Food webs vary in space and time. The structure and spatial arrangement of food webs are theorized to mediate temporal dynamics of energy flow, but empirical corroboration in intermediate-scale landscapes is scarce. River-floodplain landscapes encompass a mosaic of aquatic habitat patches and food webs, supporting a variety of aquatic consumers of conservation concern. How the structure and produc
James C. Paris, Colden V. Baxter, James R Bellmore, Joseph R. Benjamin

Evaluation of the gap intercept method to measure rangeland connectivity

Characterizing the connectivity of materials, organisms, and energy on rangelands is critical to understanding and managing ecosystem response to disturbances. For over twenty years, scientists and rangeland managers have used the gap intercept method to monitor connectivity. However, using gap intercept measurements to infer ecosystem processes or inform management actions and conservation practi
Sarah E. McCord, Joseph R. Brehm, Lea A. Condon, Leah Dreesmann, Lisa M. Ellsworth, Matthew Germino, Jeffrey E. Herrick, Brian K. Howard, Emily Kachergis, Jason W. Karl, Anna C. Knight, Savannah Meadors, Aleta Nafus, Beth A. Newingham, Peter J. Olsoy, Nicole Pietrasiak, David Pilliod, Anthony Schaefer, Nicholas P. Webb, Brandi E. Wheeler, C. Jason Williams, Kristina E. Young


National Fuels Treatment and Post-fire Treatment Effectiveness Assessment Strategies

Managing wildland fuels and post-fire environments are key strategies to reduce the risk and negative impacts of wildfire, and can even promote beneficial effects of wildfire. Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey are reviewing, summarizing, and analyzing what is currently known about fuel treatment and post-fire treatment effectiveness in the United States. Monitoring and evaluating the...

National Fuels Treatment and Post-fire Treatment Effectiveness Assessment Strategies

Managing wildland fuels and post-fire environments are key strategies to reduce the risk and negative impacts of wildfire, and can even promote beneficial effects of wildfire. Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey are reviewing, summarizing, and analyzing what is currently known about fuel treatment and post-fire treatment effectiveness in the United States. Monitoring and evaluating the...
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Sagebrush Trends Tool

This web-based mapping tool enables users to identify which threats are driving the current status of Sagebrush Ecological Integrity (SEI), assess if SEI and associated threats, such as invasive annual grass, conifer encroachment, human modification - have changed over time, and visualize spatial trends in SEI and threats. The Sagebrush Ecosystem Trends Module supports managers in identifying...

Sagebrush Trends Tool

This web-based mapping tool enables users to identify which threats are driving the current status of Sagebrush Ecological Integrity (SEI), assess if SEI and associated threats, such as invasive annual grass, conifer encroachment, human modification - have changed over time, and visualize spatial trends in SEI and threats. The Sagebrush Ecosystem Trends Module supports managers in identifying...
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Gunnison Sage-Grouse Recovery Module

The CED Gunnison Sage-grouse Recovery Module is our latest release. It is designed to capture any effort that involves the restoration of Gunnison sage-grouse habitat or activities that contribute to the recovery of Gunnison sage-grouse.

Gunnison Sage-Grouse Recovery Module

The CED Gunnison Sage-grouse Recovery Module is our latest release. It is designed to capture any effort that involves the restoration of Gunnison sage-grouse habitat or activities that contribute to the recovery of Gunnison sage-grouse.
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