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Financial Information for Working Groups

Expenses covered by the Powell Center include airfare, hotel, and per diem expenses for up to 15 participants per Working Group from anywhere in the world. Salary and benefit support up to $100,000 is provided for a Fellow. Salary for USGS WMA employees will be covered for the time the participant is at the Powell Center. Some funds are available for page charges.

The Powell Center does not require a formal budget when you submit a proposal. We will calculate a budget if your proposal is successful and that budget will include travel costs for Working Group meetings, funds for a Fellow (if requested), page charges, IT support, and salary only for USGS Water Mission Area scientists while at the Powell Center. While most Working Groups meet several times over several years, proposals with different timelines will be considered. Please refer to The Finances of Successful Proposal table on this page to understand how the budget works.  

If you are submitting a proposal from a university, refer to The Finances of Successful Proposals table on this page to understand how the budget works. We suggest you notify your Sponsored Programs office of your intent to apply for Powell Center funds. If your proposal is successful and you request a Fellow housed at your institution, USGS will post an Announcement of Opportunity on, to which you and your institution may apply with a formal budget and proposal.  

Finances of Successful Proposals
The Goods How Much? Does this money come to me?
Travel for Working Group As much as it takes NO - You never see this money
Funding for Fellow $100,000
(includes all indirect costs)
CESU agreements transfer money to universities; money can transfer to USGS Centers
IT Support Please see Data Management and Resources NO - You never see this money
Page Charges One open-source manuscript NO - You never see this money
Salary None, unless you are Water Science Center Salary for Water Mission Area participant on site in Fort Collins


The Powell Center can support travel costs for childcare providers for mothers with nursing infants. In order to get USGS approval, Powell Center will need to justify why it is necessary to invite this traveler (and a second caregiver) and what makes this invitational traveler a required participant. If a nursing mother participates in a Working Group but does not bring her child, the Powell Center can pay overnight shipping costs for breastmilk. There is a lactation room at the Powell Center. Contact the Powell Center ( and/or Jill Baron ( if you expect someone in your Working Group might have need of these services.

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