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The USGS Kansas Water Science Center strives to meet the changing needs of those who use our information within themes of groundwater and streamflow information including floods and droughts, water quality, water use and availability, sediment transport, and national water-quality science such as cyanobacteria and newly studied organic compounds affecting human and ecosystem health.


Groundwater and Streamflow


Water Availability and Use


Water Quality


Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Research


Organic Geochemistry Research Laboratory (OGRL)




Lepidoptera Research Collection

In April of 2023 a citizen science invitation began asking people to mail in already deceased insects in the order Lepidoptera to help establish a USGS Research Scientific Collection. The collection will enable USGS scientists to have specimens from various regional areas to be able to identify contaminants and environmental factors which could be contributing to the decline of insect populations.

Lepidoptera Research Collection

In April of 2023 a citizen science invitation began asking people to mail in already deceased insects in the order Lepidoptera to help establish a USGS Research Scientific Collection. The collection will enable USGS scientists to have specimens from various regional areas to be able to identify contaminants and environmental factors which could be contributing to the decline of insect populations.
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Historic Floods Along Arkansas River

Despite often being completely dry during drought conditions in western parts of Kansas, the Arkansas River can become deceptively menacing at high flow and cause millions of dollars in damage. The following briefly describe the Arkansas River Basin in Kansas, chronicle the effects of human development on streamflow in the basin, and provide brief descriptions of some of the larger floods.

Historic Floods Along Arkansas River

Despite often being completely dry during drought conditions in western parts of Kansas, the Arkansas River can become deceptively menacing at high flow and cause millions of dollars in damage. The following briefly describe the Arkansas River Basin in Kansas, chronicle the effects of human development on streamflow in the basin, and provide brief descriptions of some of the larger floods.
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Frequently Asked Questions

The Kansas District receives numerous inquiries, by phone or mail, from citizens attempting to obtain scientific information on a wide variety of subjects. While we always make every attempt to fill an information request, we also feel it is our responsibility to pass on to the appropriate person or agency any request that we are unable to handle directly. Listed under the "Results" are

Frequently Asked Questions

The Kansas District receives numerous inquiries, by phone or mail, from citizens attempting to obtain scientific information on a wide variety of subjects. While we always make every attempt to fill an information request, we also feel it is our responsibility to pass on to the appropriate person or agency any request that we are unable to handle directly. Listed under the "Results" are
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